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Thursday March 4" 1886. Had my breakfast in my room and left for Boston on the 8 o'clock train by Shore road arriving there at 3. Went directly to College Hill. Found Mr & Mrs Sawyer well, Mrs Sawyer much better than I expected to see her. Mr. Sawyer looks old but is active and well. All were glad to see me as I have not been there in four years and first saw Alices Tommy now. I occupied the room dear Gertrude and I occupied the last time she was home and a thousand sweet recollections of her came to me there as well as the remembrance of her suffering and weakness and the shock of first comprehending how ill she was. The weather cold and windy  

Friday 5. Alice and I went in to Boston about noon. I called at Joe Warrens place to get him to lunch with us but he was out. Alice and I lunched at the Parker house and afterward called on Annie & Fanny Lee but they were out, Annie I think had gone to New York. Then Alice went to a symphony concert and I called on Mr. Bachelder but he was not in. I returned to College hill to get ready for the Decennial Appalachian dance and George and I came back to Boston with Prof & Mrs. Fay, Mr. Preston & Mrs. Dearborn. The dinner was at the Parker house and about 120 sat down to it. Mrs. Dearborn sat between George and me. It was a very good dinner and there were no wines afterward and I got the impression that strangers would have a poor time. They do not strike me as very social. We got back to college Hill before midnight and I left 

Saturday 6". This morning in time to get the 9 o clock train for N.Y. via Springfield and arrived here at 3.30. The weather is growing somewhat more genial. Found an invitation from Mrs. Johnson to dine with them on Monday with Col. Lawrence but I think I will decline as I shall hardly leave home before Monday evening. A note from Mrs. Warren expressing entie satisfaction with her picture. Fullers picture has gone home and Auchincloss' also. Went around to the monthly meeting of the club. No business was done as was expected. Met Wilson of St. Paul who ordered a picture of me a year ago and then countermanded it. Also met Mr. Hill President of the St. Paul and Manitoba road. He was one of the purchasers at the Morgan sale. I understood he bid 45.000 on Bretons picture. I was told that a few years ago he was an employee on the docks in some capacity. He is evidently a bright man and I understood worth ten or twelve million dollars. Saw Auchincloss who is pleased with his picture and dont want it to go to the exhibition but I insisted. 

Sunday 7." Went home by morning train. Found Mary Goetchins there. Wm. Slifer has broken up housekeeping and poor Mary is adrift. Sara has invited her to stay a while with her. My father continues to improve. Wrote to Alice and to Susan Hutchins.

Monday 8" A cold in my head is rapidly developing. It has snowed today and in the midst of it Tom has made his hot bed. I ordered the seeds for the garden from Hardman, which makes the spring seem near. Wrote to Mary Gifford. I went to bed early feeling very badly last night but feel really worse tonight. I would have been glad to remain at home but had matters to attend to in town, so came down by the evening train.

Sunday 9. Slept badly and awoke feeling pretty well used up. My cold is at its height and I am as miserable as possible. Downing came to see me. Have sat in my chair all day trying to keep warm