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present, a distinguished patent lawyer I understood and last but not least Dana of the sun. I was rather surprised to see him there. As I went up to speak with Conway in the parlor Dana thought I was going toward him. He arose, advanced and seeing his man was about to retreat when taking pity on a man who gets cut pretty often I imagine I went up and gave him my hand. Conway, Dr. Barker and I talked of Bucher. Dr. B, and I believed him innocent of the charges against him but Conway was inclined to doubt his innocence, while yet entirely charitable towards him. We adjourned to Reids fine library and smoked and I came away at 11 feeling that I had not been stiffed and had enjoyed the evening.

Saturday April 10" 1886. A fine spring-like day. Whittredge came in and talked a while and at 12 we walked up to the American Art Galleries to see the pictures by the French Impressionists. All that is really Impressionist is to me simply absurd, foolish, and unlovely from any point of view. There are a few interesting pictures among the three hundred or more but they are interesting for the absence of what distinguishes the work of these lunatics. I cant imagine sane men showing such work as they expose these, with any serious intention. Manet has some forceful qualities and is entitled to respect for that, but the most of the work shocks all my ideas of Art or even common sense, and yet the nice scribblers for the press, some of them, as witness the Tribune try to write them up. Calvert and I went to Rondout by the 4 oclock train.

Sunday 11. A dull day of very watery sunshine. Tom has some peas planted and some Spinach. Girard told me Crosby had been to him to get the price of the lot next Griffiths. I told him $50 per foot. Calvert went down to Griffiths with Girard by appointment to talk about a design for a house he wants to build. I believe he has told him to go on and make a design for him. Young Zan Etten came down to talk with Calvert about entering his office as a student. 

Monday 12. Mary, Calvert and I came down by the 7.40 train. Sara was rather loathe to have Mary go as she has a new girl in Mary O[[?]] place to teach besides all her other cares, but Mary hopes to return soon. I got a letter from Gill of Springfield telling me he can sell my little picture, by exchanging with some one for a carriage, so that he can allow me $150 some time in May. I was provoked but concluded to wait until today to answer it, which I have done declining his offer. He is a sharper and wants me to pay for his fast horse and his carriage. He no doubt thinks I will jump at this. I hope he has actually made the exchange, so that I can compel him to undo it. I am almost out of money, but I mean as far as I can, to teach these vulgar fellows that all artists are not ready to accept any thing they may choose to fling at them. I brought down the portrait of Dear Gertrude I painted for her father & Mother and took it up to David Andersons to have it photographed. Downing and went to Dalys [[strikethrough]] Tuesday 13" [[/strikethrough]] to see "Nancy Ho." We sat in the 50 cent gallery but we enjoyed the play very much and it was most amusing. I shall go into the cheap place oftener. 

Tuesday 13" Have worked all day on some black and white illustrations. Has been a warm, rainy day. Wrote to Tom McEntee about Mr. Jansens bill for keeping the cow to ask him if it is reasonable   

Transcription Notes:
underlined not required, pls read instructions missing indention on first Tuesday 13"