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Gertrude and I gathered the last ferns we ever gathered and came out on the road on the Sandy plateau beyond the landslide beyond Steep Rocks. Then we went to see the slide at Terrys brick=yard stopping to buy a shad on the way. From there we came home past the spring and through the woods reaching the Point road where the Ulster & Delaware crosses it. It was a grey cool day and we greatly enjoyed our walk. After dinner I wrote to Miss Nesmith who is in Baltimore and to Alice. 

Monday Apl. 26" 1886. I drove Calvert up to the 7.40 train through the rain and then went down to the Strand for some paint oil with which I painted the Kitchen floor. I also fixed the refrigerator and did various little jobs. Sara feels lonely there but Mrs. Swan is coming Wednesday and she has written for Janett and Mrs. Warren. I feel I ought to be there and would go had I some money. I am staying in N.Y. in the hope of selling some thing but there really seems very little prospect of it. My chief hope now is that we can sell some of our real estate. At least I mean to try not to trouble and worry but to hope that some thing will occur to pull us through.- I saw in the Freeman last night a notice of the death several weeks ago of Genl. Sharps' mother and also of Jacob Van Deusen who dies on Sunday at the age of 70. The country is most attractive to me now. How I wish I had a little money to do some of the things I would like to do to add to the attractiveness of our really beautiful place. Tom is making the garden. Has peas up as well as Salsify, Spinach & cucumbers, and planted potatoes last week.- I came down in the evening train. 

Tuesday 27" Calvert met Booth at the Club yesterday and had a chat with him. He played Iago to Salvinis Othello to an immense audience last night at the Academy of Music. He told him he was coming to see me at 1' o clock today, but he did not come. He sent his man instead to tell me he could not come, that the tickets he had sent for had not come but that he would bring or send them in time. I called at Lily Frenchs' after dinner, about half past eight. The servant said she had retired. Went up to Eastman Johnsons. He was just going down to see Booth to try to get tickets for the play tomorrow evening. I remained a little while after he went and talked with Mrs. Johnson. Their servants all left a few days ago and they have a new lot, Catharine, the girl they have had for several years is married. 

Wednesday 28. Booth sent me a box with seats for four. I went over and told Mary and Marion. Called at Mrs. Custers apartment to invite her but she has not returned. McCann says she is expected tomorrow so I asked Bowyer in stead. Remained to lunch. Tried to paint a little picture of an effect I saw on the river Saturday, but it is poor. I am in no mood for painting. My picture came back from Gills today. I dont think I will send there again. I dont think he tries to sell my pictures. 
Mary, Marion, Bowyer and I attended the Salvini-Booth Othello representation this evening and had box 31 on the left side, first tier next the proscenium box. The house was packed to the ceiling with an intelligent audience. The moment Booth came on we all noticed something