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has prevailed that has characterized the whole month. Some one predicted a remarkably cool June and the prediction has been verified. I took my father for a ride this forenoon by the Roatina and the river road and home by the Strand. We talked about the sale of the place and he advised it even if we could not get all it is worth as it would put us in an independent position. We talked on various matters and his judgement was as sound and clear as ever it was. I do wish in my heart we might effect a sale soon so that I could be getting my place in order for I feel unsettled now and long to be in a quieter frame of mind so that I can devote myself unreservedly to my art which I cannot do in this disturbed state. I had a letter from Weir telling me my picture would be sent to N.Y. on Monday. He wrote me at some length and I think was a little nettled at my lack of sympathy in his speculative ideas.

Thursday July 1" 1886.
Sara and I each received letters from Lucy from Fort Gaston dated June 20" in which she says that only two Sundays more will pass before they will be here, and that they will telegraph from Eureka when they reach there. She gave an interesting account of going down the Trinity river some distance in a canoe with two Indians and of Jamies hunting expedition with an Indian in which they got seven deer and a large black bear.- The lovely weather continues although it has been warmer this afternoon. We went for a ride after dinner, my father, Mary, Sara and I by the Roatina, the river road and the Strand where we did some errands. Mrs. Cantine told Sara confidentially of the growing hostility between Mayor Cornell and Sam Coykendall which culminated lately in a fierce war of words between them. I wrote to Wilmont and to Kurtz in answer to notes from each of them about my pictures. 

Friday 2" Went down town on some errands. Saw Ned Tomkins about celery plants. Recd. a note from Sam to whom I sent the interest on $200 yesterday. He said Romeyn had been up and was to furnish a design for the addition to Ulster Academy next week. Have had a little of a discouraged feeling today. I live in the hope of selling our place, and still I am prepared for disappointment. It is all so uncertain that I feel very unsettled and do nothing with any thing like satisfaction. I received from Mrs. Steele today a photograph of her sister Charlotte [[strikethrough]] neƩ [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Livingston  The sweet expression of the face was much as I remembered her. I showed it to my father and he looked at it a long time. When I went away he said to Mary "Jervis will marry Mrs. Steele" I was surprised that such a suggestion should enter his head and it amused all of us. 
Saturday 3" We have had our first hot day, with all the premonitory hubbub of the approaching 4" of July which I always dread and would like to flee from. Downing and his friend Jones came up on the City of Kingston Sara and I drove down and brought them up. I feel idle and aimless dreading the long summer and full of apprehensions

Sunday 4" A hot day. Downing and Jones took a ride towards evening but I preferred to keep quiet. McKibbin and his wife and Mrs. Jansen Anderson called. They came up on the Powell last night and described the crowd and the feeling of apprehension on board. At Rondout two ladies were pushed overboard from the dock but were rescued. McKibbin spoke most feelingly of dear Gertrude whom he always greatly admired, and she always regarded him as a kind and excellent man. It is a great satisfaction to me to hear her so kindly spoken of and remembered. 

Monday 5" This most unquiet day has passed and the last fire cracker has been exploded. There was a celebration here with a procession. I went down in the woods to get a glimpse of it with the result of losing my eyeglasses. It has been very hot but we have not had the usual shower. I was glad to stay at home and would have been glad to hide myself from all the racket 

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