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letter from Eastman this evening. He spent a week with Hall after leaving us in Arkville. He writes me that he received a telegram from the Minneapolis exhibition offering $600 for our picture "The children in the Wood" which he accepted - asks how we shall divide and says if we divide even he will have the best of it. I shall only be too glad to settle on those terms.

Friday Oct. 22" 1886. Worked a half of the day on my pictures which are now ready to go to the Academy and spent the rest of the time with the apples. In the evening Sara and I dined at the Cantines with Mr & Mrs Cuykendall, Mr & Mrs. Osterhoudt, Mr & Mrs. Sheffield. The dinner was unnecessarily elaborate I thought. Lucy and Mary were to have come this evening but failed to. Tom was up to meet them by agreement. 

Saturday 23". I awoke at 3 o clock with a severe head ache and could not get to sleep again. Have been miserable all day and unable to do much. I am finished picking the apples and I put some of them in barrels. I felt better at tea time and drove up to the station for Mary & Lucy. Tom went with the buckboard. They came as did Andrews and Sedgwick from Wilmington, where Sedgwick has captivated all of them and they wanted him to stay and go to school this winter which he was willing to do. John does not know where he is to be sent and is troubled about it. He thinks he will have to leave in about a week and I should not be surprised if he leaves Lucy here until he gets settled. I wrote to Eastman Johnson this forenoon. Katy [[Struce?]] came to see Sara and took tea with us.

Sunday 24" A beautiful autumn day. The maple in front of the house and Gertrudes tree are just at the height of their color having remained green until within a few days. We have all sat in the parlor with a fire in the Franklin as there is a coolness in the air. It is pleasant for us all to be together again. John, Lucy and Sedgwick, Mary, Sara and I. Sedgwick is a most beautiful and lovable boy and I wish he were to be here all winter. Sara is going to N.Y. tomorrow with Nannie who is going to spend a month at Dr. Taylors.

Monday 25" Tom has been blacking and getting ready to put up the hall stove Sara's and the upper kitchen stove. I have been busy directing that, putting away the rest of the apples and getting my pictures boxed to send away tomorrow. The foliage is getting to be very rich in color but I only see it from the hill. I am making a fight against depression and melancholy and have got on pretty well lately. Sara went to N.Y. with Nannie this morning to return tomorrow. I wrote Wilmurt about my pictures.

Tuesday 26" I sent my two pictures, "Autumn fields" and Evening to Wilmurt today to go to the fall Exhibition at the Academy. Have done a little of everything today, mended the gutter, sorted some apples and at noon Henry came and he and Tom put up the hall stove and Saras stove. It began to rain a little while they were bringing them in and now 10' o clock it is raining hard with wind from N. I drove up to the station for Sara at 4. It rained smartly when she arrived. Some art notices in the "World" mentioned David Johnson with great praise as painting in the style of Diaz. That satisfies most people, the feeble following of successful men.

Wednesday 27" It has rained hard most of the day. We were all invited to tea this evening at Ned. Tomkins' but the storm is so severe and Lucy has a cough so word was sent there not to expect us. I went to my studio and built a fire and have painted all day forwarding my picture. On my way over Tom called me to look at the root cellar which leaks badly and will have to be reframed, an unlooked for trouble. I try not to worry and have succeeded pretty well. If I can only keep at work painting and producing something I am remarkably happy. There is to be a reunion of the survivors of the 20" Regiment at Pokeepsie tomorrow to which I hoped to go to, and the Statue of "Liberty enlightening the World" is also to be revealed in New York harbor tomorrow with great ceremony

Thursday 28" Grey and raining at intervals. Tom and I repaired the root cellar by using every board we could find on the premises. I feel it is only a temporary expedient and will all have to be done again before long. I am tired of these annoyances and have felt a little discouraged and despondent today. I can't work at my painting for these interruptions not knowing what moment something is going to give out and I am discouraged by 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 17:15:12