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go before the council on Friday night and endeavor to get the authority. I had a letter from Mary and one from Downing saying they would all come up for Thanksgiving. I am going to N.Y. tomorrow morning to see about my frames for the little pictures and to see Bowyer about the advertisement.

Tuesday Nov, 16" 1886. Went to N.Y. this morning and returned this evening. Saw Wilmont and talked with him about frames for the little pictures. He is to make one to be sent to Bowyer on Saturday and then is to let me know what he will furnish them for. Next up to Marys. She had gone up to Mrs. Herricks but Marion was there. I staid to lunch and saw Bowyer. After lunch as he had business up town I walked with him as far as the Academy and saw Richards a moment. He thought the Fall exhibition which opens next week would be an interesting one. 

Wednesday 17". A rainy day. Have worked in my studio all day and painted three little sketches and got well on with a fourth when it became so dark I could not see. Received a note from Pinchot telling me that an account of the sudden return home of Bartholdi the breakfast at the Century was postponed. A letter came from Lucy from Fort Bridger where they arrived in a snow storm and were hospitably taken to Col Poland's House to remain until theirs was in order. She is favorably impressed with the post and says the officers like it there. Sedgwick is busy getting the "lay of the land" I enjoy painting the little pictures and like trying the variety of effects. It was too rainy for Tom and Henry to work on the grading. I paid Tom today his months wages and the interest on his note to date.

Thursday 18" A rainy day clearing in the afternoon with splendid effects of sky. That is one of Novembers charms, its fine skies and variety of effects. I went over to my studio and painted all day making four small sketches. A part of the time it rained violently. [[strikethrough]] One [[/strikethrough]] Two of the sketches I made were of effects I saw today. I sent the little picture to be engraved for the advertisement to Bowyer today by Express. There was a fine sunset. I am greatly interested painting these sketches of the effects I see here daily. The art committee of the Century sent me a notice of a reception to Munckasy [[Munkacsy]] at the club on Saturday night We are always ready to shower honors upon artists from abroad but we who live here get very litle honor. President Arthur died this morning. I have been thinking of dear Gertrude this evening. Charly McEntee, Sara and I were talking of her and of [[E?]] and I was looking over her recipe book. It brought her very near to me to see her handwriting and to turn over the papers she had written. My love for her can never grow old and she will always live in my heart as my ideal of all that is gentle and admirable, and lovable in woman.

Friday 19." Went down town and attended to various things, among others saw Ike North and talked with him about Chester St. He finally agreed with me that I might as well go ahead and if any one raised objections then I might get a city ordinance authorising the grading. Charley McEntee left with the 12.50 train intending to stop over at Clarks mills to see Thomas. I drove him up to the station. I think he left somewhat disappointed with his matrimonial ventures. When I returned we shut up the parlor and built a fire in the sitting room as it is cold and windy and we could not keep comfortable in the big room. I have been reading Dr Taylors book on Hernia and am greatly interested in his plan of self treatment which seems most sensible and begin at once the treatment. I wish I had known of it years ago.
[[left margin]] Commenced Dr Taylors treatment [[/left margin]]