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to New York. Mary is going to stay here and take care of my father while she is gone for a few days. Julia Dillon and Aunt Christina went down also. I met them in a carriage on my return. This afternoon I painted two small winter sketches from my recent notes. The weather was warmer today and the snow is melting.

Tuesday Nov. 30" 1886. Went over to where Henry was at work on Chester St. We had breakfast early and I drove Jamie and Marion up to the morning train, Marion to go home and Jamie to his school after a very pleasant and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Since they have been here they have had sleigh rides, coasting and skating. I went to work in my studio and have painted three sketches of winter effects which Calvert and I saw on our walks and one of a six I saw last night. About 9 o' clock a messenger brought me a letter from Bowyer enclosing the advertisement of the little pictures, for the Century and a proof of the Engraving, for my comments and wishing me to reply by telegraph if all right which I did and also sent a note returning the proof by special delivery stamp. It rained hard this afternoon and I enjoyed working in my studio without interruption, having a good long day. When I came over to dinner a little before 4 I saw a charming effect of rain and mist from my window which I sketched rapidly and will paint tomorrow. I very much enjoy painting this great beauty of effects. There is constant novelty about it and I am learning many things. 

Wednesday Dec. 1" 1886.

The whole landscape was enveloped in ice this morning, the rain of last night having frozen and it has remained all day. The effect is not beautiful despite the commonplace descriptions of glittering diamonds fairy enchantment +c. I went over to my studio and spent the day at work painting a sketch of the drawing I made yesterday 8=10 and another smaller oner and did some other work. These long uninterrupted days and the constantly changing variety of beautiful effects make this a very happy and enjoyable season to me. I cant bear to think of going to New York and hope I will not be obliged to. 

Thursday 2. Bright and sunny but cold with wind N.W. I went down town after breakfast and got some steaks for young bear killed in the mountains last week. Went to work in my stood and painted a little picture 8+10 from a sketch I made in the mountains when Calvert and I went there the fall dear Gertrude died. I sat down in front of the fire for a little while, in my studio after I had finished painting and thought of dear Gertrude and how her beloved presence once hallowed this room. She loved this little house when we came when we were married and always hoped we might live here again. 

Friday 3". A cold night with strong N.W. wind. I went down to the Post Office after breakfast and when I returned went over to my studio and painted until 1 o clock [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] on a sketch I made last evening in the sitting room an effect of cool twilight outside and a low dim lamp light [[?]]  I did not finish it but I think I will get a picture out of it. I went up to the Station for Sara who came by the 2.20 train It was very cold. She had had a good time and saw Mrs. Bronson who told her how cavalierly Mrs. Thurber treated her. Sara gave her a letter of introduction and wrote her she was a friend of hers and a bright woman. She said my picture looked well ["the Autumn fields", and the twilight also. Neither are sold. It makes me feel sadly that my pictures are not mentioned any more and come back to me from the exhibitions. Younger men have come upon the field and we are no longer the vogue. I have seen and painted the landscape in my own way, which is not now a recommendation to favor. One must