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me today although I have had no official notification that I am a member. I shall decline unless I am able to pay my fee as the rest do. I want no honorary membership. It looks too much like expecting pay for the privilege of allowing them to build this slide on our land. Sara had a long letter from Lucy today. Her things from us had arrived in good order and she was greatly pleased with them.

Tuesday, Jan. 4" 1887. Very cold - 12° below zero at 8 this morning. I walked down to the mail and got a number of letters - one from Bonyer but as yet no response to our advertisement. Too cold to work in my studio. Read and wrote Bonyer. Mrs. Cantine came over at half past two and Sara read Darwin for an hour. Mr. Cantine came at 5. Meantime Jamie arrived from Wilmington and today from N.Y. We had dinner at 5, a very satisfactory one and Mr & Mrs. Cantine staid until half past 9. We had a very pleasant time. Tomorrow evening we have arranged to go over to the toboggan slide. It is 2° above zero tonight with strong indications of a storm. The transport is still running although with difficulty. The sleighing is fine as it can be.

[[left margin]] Aunt Anne died. Aged 85 years [[/left margin]]
Wednesday 5" Jamie, Sara and I went for a ride this morning taking Mary and Dwightie as far as Mr. Brighams where we left them. We drove out on the Saugerties road, crossed over to the Flat-bush road and came home by the river road through Rondout, stopping at the post office. The sleighing is perfect and the temperature just right for riding with indications of more snow. As I was putting the robes into the sleigh in front of the house I slipped on the upper step of the piazza and fell to the bottom striking my back on the edge of the step. Tonight I feel quite lame and sore, too much so to go over to the toboggan slide with Mr & Mrs. Cantine, Sara and Jamie. It was snowing when they came for us. They went over and found the slide was not open as there was too much snow, about three inches on it. I hear not a word from our venture. Indeed I have no right to expect to as yet but I cant help wondering if it is to be a dead failure.

Thursday 6" I slept badly and awoke with a headache and feeling sore from my fall yesterday and feel disinclined to much effort, but about 11 o'clock Sara who had been out to see Nannie returned with Jamie and proposed a ride over the river as the day was fine. It had snowed considerably in the night so that Tom was obliged to run his snow plough about the roads. He harnessed the tram and Sara Jamie and I drove down for Nannie. We drove over the river on the ice the ferry boat having drawn off yesterday, and up almost to Rhinebeck village. The wind blew pretty sharply from the N. and the roads were heavy and drifted on the other side. We had to be home at 1 and reached there about that time. Tonight Sara and Jamie went over to the toboggan slide and rode down several times. I felt too stiff and sore to go so remained at home and read. I am beginning to wonder how I am to pay my taxes, and anxiously await the first response to our advertisement.

Friday 7" A most beautiful winter morning, and pretty cold 4° above 0. Went over to my studio a little after 10 and worked until nearly 4 on my picture "A Veterans Funeral" and forwarded it. Came home and went over to see the tobogganers at the slide. Many there and all enjoying it to the utmost. In going over I ran down the hill back of Girard's and since then my back has been very lame. I received a letter from Bonyer saying he had no end of letters from newspapers, magazines &c wanting our advertisement, but as yet no orders for the sketches. A letter from Mrs. Homer Martin saying Fitch had told her I was about to make a change and he thought my studio was to let, and if so Martin wanted it. I wrote to him 

Transcription Notes:
Lots of question marks, please help if you can. Only about halfway done. (filled in [[?]]s but still not complete as of 5/9) Did first FULL pass 5/11. .