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it was not to let and no one had authority to make any such statement.

Saturday January 8" 1887. Very cold again - 4° below zero at 8 o clock and tonight at 10, 2° below with a full moon. Sara has been over with the toboganers all evening for whom it is perfect weather. I wanted to go but was too lame. Have staid quietly in doors all day. I wrote to Booth and wrote to Bispham for his address. Received a letter from Mrs. Sawyer. The annual meeting of the Century club occurs tonight. We received the news today, through the Freeman of the death of Aunt Ann Goetchins at Catskill on Wednesday last. She was 85 years old. Her funeral takes place tomorrow at 3 'oclock and Sara will go. I hardly think it prudent for me to go. Poor old soul. I am glad she is at rest for she suffered and I fear had not intelligent care. My father was quite impressed with the tidings of her death. She came from a race of sturdy Dutchmen and was by nature a woman of much force of character. She was the wife of my mothers eldest brother Matthew and his cousin

Sunday 9". Sara went up to Kaatskill by the 12 50 train today to attend Aunt Anns funeral. Neither she nor I thought it prudent for me to go with my lame back, which is much better today. Girard could not go as Mary hurt her knee yesterday and is helpless today and he had to be at home to look to the children. I sat with my father the most of the day. He was up and dressed early and did not lie down nor go to bed until after Sara returned, after 8 o clock. It has snowed nearly all day and is still snowing and cold, only 4° or 5° above zero. I drove up to the station for Sara at 7.45 and brought her home through the snow storm. This evening I wrote to Lucy for her while she attended to Jamies clothes and packed his satchel to send to him tomorrow.

Monday 10" It must have snowed most of the night for the snow is very deep. I drove down town this forenoon. When I returned the wind began to blow from the N.W. and has blown all day drifting the light snow very much. I went over to my studio and worked until after 3 o clock on my picture of "the funeral of a Veteran" and have it nearly done. It was pretty cold there. I did not feel cold myself but my colors and canvas got very cold and they do not work well. I got no letters this morning. I have made no arrangement to pay our taxes due on Wednesday - I will still have 20 days after that by paying 2 pr. ct. additional and in that time if there are no results from my little pictures will be obliged once more to go into the slavery of raising money. I dread it but am not cast down or discouraged.- I have commenced to read Martin Chuzzlewit again and find it amusing. The afternoon was beautiful towards sunset the whole country lying under its mantle of snow under an exquisite light. 

Tuesday 11" Walked down to the mail this morning and then went to my studio and painted until 3 o'clk on my picture, after which Girard and I went over to the Toboggan slide and I took my first ride. It was very inspiriting and we rode until 5 when I came home to dinner. This evening Sara and I went over and rode until half past 9. Mr & Mrs Cantine were there and she and others rode with us several times. I enjoyed it greatly and we came home healthily tired. The weather remains cold so that there could not have been a better winter for this sport. No news as yet concerning the little pictures and tomorrow is the last day for paying our taxes without extra expense. I still have 20 days now must do something in the mean time.

Wednesday 12". A letter from Mr. Wills the agent of the Studio Building tells me Butters studio is likely to be vacated and asks me if I am still an applicant for it. Have written him I am, and have also written Butter that I want it if he leaves but not to hurry or change his plans on my account. Went to my studio and painted on my picture and on a portrait 

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