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Tuesday, Jan. 18" 1887. Walked down to the mail and received a letter from Fuller in which he says he cannot loan me the money himself and cannot buy a picture but if I will send him my note he will endorse it and get me the money from his bank which I did today and mailed the letter in which I told him I thought it was due him to tell him I considered myself entirely responsible for any obligation I entered into, that I thought I was worth $25,000 and my father and I together $75,000 that we owed comparatively nothing except a mortgage of $14000 which was held by a friend at 4 pr. ct. and the interest on which I paid in my work - that I was putting some of our property into the market with good prospects of selling - I sent him one of the little pamphlets which Bowyer sent me yesterday. I also received a nice letter from Booth who had got mine, a letter from Butter saying I could have the studio at any time, a letter from Andrews besides, and one from Lambkin wanting me to send something to the Pennsylvania Academy exhibition. I met Girard on my way home who told me Mrs. Folant wanted to buy a lot on Chester St and that she and her brother were going to look at one. I came home and wrote to Fuller enclosing the note and one of the advertisement pamphlets, a short note to Booth sending him one, answered Lambkin and Butter telling him I would like to take possession about Feb. 1" or just before as that began a new quarter but would act his pleasure. I then walked down and mailed them. Went in and saw Girard. He sent for Nathan Sims, Mrs Folants brother to whom I talked about the lot. This evening Girard told me they had decided to take one but thought they wanted like one higher up on the hill than the one proposed. I also wrote a note to Rock to send me samples to select a suit from, and to Wells that I am ready to take the room. This evening the cold wave struck us and it is very cold. Sara and I went over to the Toboggan slide and rode an hour and a half. Mrs Kenyon, Mrs. Judge Parker and and Miss Van Ettan rode with us and I dumped them in the snow coming from the return slide. I also skinned my knuckles against the side of the slide.

Wednesday 19". Last night was the coldest of the winter all over the county. Hereabouts from 10° to 18° below zero and in New Hampshire 40° below. It has been cold all day but moderated in the afternoon and snowed a little. I went down to the mail but got nothing. Went and saw Nathan Sims. He told me his sister had decided to take a lot and was anxious to begin to build as soon as possible. They would go over and select a lot the first fair day and would pay for it at once. I agree to furnish her with a design for a house. Girard and I sent out some of the little pamphlets by mail from his office. I came home and wrote to Mary and to Mrs. Sawyer in front of the fire in the sitting room while Sara went to Kingston and to see Nannie and some patients. When the Tribune came I was shocked to read this notice of Professor Youmans death yesterday. He was an old friend and used to visit us before his marriage and came to me and told me, among the first of his friends, of his engagement. I wrote a note to Mrs. Youmans.  

Thursday 20" The weather is much milder. I walked down to the mail and received a very friendly letter from Fuller telling me he had paid my note discounted and deposited the proceeds $393. in the Bank of the Metropolis. I came up home for my check book and wrote him a brief note thanking him but before I mailed it I went in to Grove Websters office to pay our taxes. Instead of their being $351. they were $451. I had made an error in adding them up. I was completely taken aback and told Webster I had not money enough. He was most kind and accommodating not only waiving the 2 p. ct. extra I was liable to but told me to date the check Jan. 12 and he would hold it until I made it good. I then went to Girards office to gather my wits together.

Transcription Notes:
underline not used anymore not complete as of 5/9 Finished 5/13; degree marks need to be added ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-14 15:21:09