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Friday Feb. 25th 1887. Painting on my picture - clouds opposite the sun at sunset which I have much improved. Church came in this afternoon looking very feeble. He and his wife are staying at the Brevoort House for three or four weeks. I called there to see them this evening. Mrs. Church looked very frail and ill. It was very cold this morning but is somewhat milder this evening. Went to Dr. Taylors. I spoke to him about Church's case and he did not hesitate to say that he could cure him and said that he had once been a great sufferer from rheumatism. If I had had an opportunity this evening I meant to have touched upon the subject, but Church is so peculiar in his notions and so set in his opinions that I feel I shall have to be very cautious in speaking about it. Downing was down to dinner today and came over to see my studio this evening. He is thinking seriously of going with some builder and learning how to contract for erecting buildings, a pursuit he has been thinking of for some time. I cannot account for not hearing from Sam. If he received my letter it is gross neglect in not answering it. Even Mr. Reed has not sent me the money for the little picture but of course he will soon. I keep up courage and am able to look difficulties in the face with much more bravery.

Saturday 26th. It snowed violently all day until 5 o clock when it turned to rain. I was out at Dr. Taylors and on my way home had to walk from 7th avenue to the ferry fort of 42" st, as the cars came at so rare intervals I was afraid of being left. My overcoat got thoroughly wet as it rained hard. I took the 6 o'clock train and at home there had been no rain but one of the deepest snows of the season. Tom met me at the station and I found Jamie Andrews at home. I found a note from Sam in reply to mine of more than a week ago saying I could have the money whenever I wished it. This makes me feel very comfortable.

Sunday 27. The wind blowing a gale from N.W. but not very cold. Girard and Mary and John McEntee dined with us and spent the evening. Girard says the "party from N.Y" who applied to John McCausland for our place is "Sam Cuykendall" I told Girard he need say nothing about it until he spoke to him again when he could say the place is not for sale. Girard told me Carnell asks for a place on Charles St, a small house worth about $800 in a lot about 45 x 90, $3.600. I think our lots will be in demand at $500, and I hope some to ask more. My father did not seem at all bright. He has caught cold and that affects him. Sara said he seemed a little despondent but I talked cheerfully to him. Sara had an alarming letter from Emily Warren. The Dr. thinks Janette is in a very precarious condition, although a later postal card said she was better — but I fear she has not long to live and has great suffering to look forward to. It grew colder towards night. It looks like mid=winter up home and the river is as solid as it has been at any time.

Monday 28" I came down by the morning train, Tom driving me up in the sleigh.  The sleighing is as fair as at any time during the winter and has lasted continuously since before Thanksgiving. It was pretty cold and has been growing colder all day with a high N.W. wind and tonight is very cold. I began a picture 20 x 30 mostly of sky then had to head off to go to Dr. Taylors. Just before I was about to go Mary came with a lady whom she introduced as "Miss Schalk"  During the conversation she occasionally called her Mrs. Herrich as I thought inadvertently.  Finally however some remark was made which obliged her to own that this was really Mrs. Herrich, who has been a standing joke with us for years as I had never met her and she had several times made appointments to bring her here. We had considerable amusement over the revelation but I told her I was still in need of additional proof of her identity which she said I must get by coming to see her in her home. I wrote to Janette this evening.

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