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Tuesday March 1" 1887

I awoke with an attack of indigestion accompanied by head ache and nausea. After breakfast I feel better but have not felt entirely well all day. I did not feel strong enough to go to Dr. Taylors. I wrote a note for $750 and sent it up to Bray to be put to my credit and sent my letter to Janette. Have painted all day on my sky picture which does not please me as yet. Griswold came to see me. He has been in Italy fifteen years but has not changed greatly. I fancy he finds it rather discouraging to come back. He spoke very warmly of my three winter pictures and seemed to think I am painting well - Bowyer and I went to the Bojon theatre and saw Nat Goodwin in the "Skating Rink" a foolish medley with a little that was amusing in a great deal of the dreariest rubbish.

Wednesday 2. Went to see the Stewart Collection this morning - a curious mixture of good and common place pictures. Rosa Bonheurs Horse fair looked just as well as ever to me. I was disappointed in  Meissonier's "1807" which in general effect is dry and hard - from then I went to see Henrys collection particularly his old furniture. There was a corner cubboard [[cupboard]] I would like to have up home but I hear it sold this afternoon for more than I could afford. The Niagara Park Commissioners had their meeting today and Calvert and Olmstead made their report. From what Calvert guardedly said it was an entire success, more than that a surprise. I think it will confirm their reputation. Went to the club after dinner and read the last instalment [[installment]] of the life of Lincoln in the March Century and wrote to Sara. Found a note from her when I came to my room. I had a letter from Mrs. Steele today, the first in many months. I thought perhaps she had had enough of me but Ella has been confined to an invalid chair for five months which is her apology for not visiting and she hopes I will write soon and finds my letters interesting. A lovely woman whom I am glad to be able to interest.

Thursday 3.  Went to see Chases pictures this morning.  Some of them were very interesting for a certain directness and freedom, but generally he fails to carry his work beyond that stage.  His portrait of Whistler was simply ridiculous.  I stopped at Vantines and bought a curtain for my bed room window. I went also to see Munkacsys [[Munkácsys]] picture of Christ before Pilate.  The picture struck me as very rigorous and powerful brush work but did not get much beyond that. It was shown by gas light which to me seemed a comment on the tendency to blackness. The Christ is not at all a fine conception from my point of view.  Painted until after 3 o'clock and went to Dr. Taylors for the last time. I went with Marion to call on Fred and Annie Norton but they were out. We came to my studio which Marion had not seen. Afterwards I went to the club.

Friday 4.  I stopped in at Solomons this morning to see about a curtain rod for my old crewel curtain at my stairway. They are retiring from the retail trade and are selling at a reduction.  I bought a rod and a piece to go at the top of the curtain which is too short $2 for the rod and $3.50 for the price of stuff which is very handsome. I was sorely tempted with the beautiful fabrics but I spend money too easily when I have it and so wisely came away. I stopped in at Macys and bought a mop to wipe up my floor. What a Bazaar of every thing that place is. I went down into the house keeping department which extends way out under the side walk and saw so many useful and convenient things. Came to my room and found a letter from Bray saying my note had been discounted and [[placed?]] to my credit.  I sent a check of $50 to Dr. Taylor and Patchin and $30.20 to Mary for my board to Mar. 1. I painted the rest of the day but my picture does not please me. I feel a satisfaction in not having to go out to Dr. Taylors. I think my ailment greatly improved and feel a confidence it will disappear entirely.  Went to the club for a while and read Washburn's account of the Commune in Paris. 

Transcription Notes:
Calvert and Olmstead end up GETTING the Niagara Park job (spoiler alert! :D) The Horse Fair by Rosa Bonheur First pass complete 5/10. Many [?] remain.