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[[newspaper clipping]]
BISHOP——On Wednesday, 27th inst., William Collins, elder son of George R. and Martha Collins Bishop. Services at All Souls' Church, corner 20th-st. and 4th-ave, Friday, 29th inst., at 5 o'clock p.m. Burial at Rochester, N.Y. 
[[/newspaper clipping]]

settled upon the design for Mrs. Folant which is to be sent to me on Friday. Will Bishop whose parents live in the Stuyvesant Apartment house died today. He used to visit Marion and was about 21 years old. He has been ill for a year. I spent the evening at home coming to my room about ten oclock. When I feel so depressed as I do now I do not care to see any one.  

Thursday Apl. 28" 1887. A rainy day. I have been painting on a little picture after one of my small sketches, but as usual it is not as good. I am in no condition to paint and only do it to keep my mind occupied. I went around to the club in the evening but I did not have a good time. Edgar Ward and I were talking together when Ferguson came in and sat down. He is a false pretentious person and has said envious things of me and I dare say he hung my pictures this year at the Academy in the ignominious place two of them are in, but I try to be civil to him as he is not a well man, nevertheless his presence is not agreeable to me. Then Mr. Hawley came in and talked of Wall Street and speculation and big sums of money which tired and depressed me reflecting how poorly I am getting on in money matters so that I came to my room and went to bed feeling very discouraged, lonely and unhappy.

Friday 29. Down town to get some garden seeds, only a small share of what I meant to get. Received a letter from Mr. E. B. Linsley of Three Rivers Mich. to whom we sent the little picture. He likes it very much but unfortunately in packing it which I thought I did very carefully I put one of the screens through the upper part of the picture. This was very annoying but I wrote him he had better send it back to me and I could undoubtedly repair it so that it would be as good as ever and if I could not I would either paint him another or refund the money as he chose. Have worked on my brook picture and I hope improved it but every thing seems so discouraging to me I have no heart in my work. I went with Mary and Marion to Will Bishops funeral at All Souls Church at 5 o'clock. Mr. Williams remarks were very tender and sympathetic and the occasion was a very solemn one. Stoddard and Mrs. Stoddard went into the church just ahead of us and he looked so feeble, old and bent that I was startled by it. A little later I attended an artists dinner at Pellegrini's on 16" St and Irving Place. There were sixteen present, Hall, Ryder, Wilmarth, Gay, Pope, Horner, Tom Moran, Wm. Hart Witt, Perry, Guy, C. Y. Turner and Conant. It was very informal and enjoyable. Guy has just taken the prize of $2000 at the prize fund exhibition at the American Art Galleries. It is a great event to him but he bore himself very modestly. I also heard that Conant had sold his portrait of Beecher for $5000 and has an order for another. I am glad of these mens good fortune but it makes me feel ashamed that I have no success and shows me that I must do something or sink out of sight. I feel distracted and do not know what to do. I went around to the Club a little while and saw Collins and had a little talk with him

Saturday 30 Went home by afternoon train. The wind blew a gale and I was nearly blown from the platform of the elevated car. Tom did not meet me at the station and Sara was out when I arrived, but came in soon after. She had not got my Thursday letter. She was feeling lonely and had staid to tea at Nannies. I am afraid I did not cheer her much for I was feeling very despondent, still we talked together and in that way were a comfort to each other. 

Transcription Notes:
Needs handwriting ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 17:37:45 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-15 13:29:48 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-15 23:04:05 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-16 22:49:24 .