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Tuesday May 31. Dr. Chalker came. Thinks this is not critical and that I will recover. Wrote to Booth

Monday June 1 Rainy. Mary came. Seems to take it for granted this is a temporary attack. Julia Dillon came yesterday and spent the night with us to our great comfort. She went back to Johns today. I wrote to Mary Gifford. Am very shaky and get about with difficulty.

Thursday 2. Do not feel so well today. Rainy Day. Sara thinks that the reason. The Dr. (Chalker) was to come by today but did not.

Friday 3" Cool with showers and fine skies. I think I have more command of my limbs today. A most kind and sympathetic letter came from Booth fulfilling my idea of a true and sincere friend. Also a letter from Mary Gifford saying she would come down tomorrow and drive with us. I telegraphed we would be glad to see her and to let me know by what train. The Dr. came this afternoon. He thinks I am decidedly improved but I think he feels it will be some time before I am sound again if ever. I do think I have been better able to get about today. Booths letter was a great comfort to me and I wish he could know how I appreciate his friendship.

Saturday 4" Sara and I drove down town to do some errands. Toby lost one of his shoes and hurt his foot and I got very nervous before we reached home. Sara drove down for Mary Gifford who came and dined with us and went back at 5.30. I seem to have more control over my left foot but my left side seems very weak. I think I have had too much excitement today. I drove Mary Gifford down to the train but I think I had not better do such things now.

Sunday 5. A gloomy dull day. I have written to Eastman asking him to forget our differences. I wrote for Mrs. Anderson who wants to buy Phils property at Santa Barbara. I also wrote Bonyer and sent him Mr. Linsleys letter. Jane and May [[?]] came to settle their affairs in Kingston and May staid with us. It was a trial to see any one and particularly some one full of troubles but we feel sorry for her and asked her to stay. Presently Mr & Mrs. Cantine and their little girl came. We got talking about Sam and he told me he thought he had given up all present idea of our place and informed me privately that the inquiry made through McCausland was from a man who expected to come here in connection with the Portland Cement Co. It was dependent upon some experiments which failed. It gave me an awful feeling of discouragement and I was gnawed with anxiety imagining all sorts of trouble and really have been very nervous all day I must try to avoid giving way to this worry. Have had a fair all day.

Monday 6. Still dark and gloomy. Awoke thinking only of trouble but really feel I am improving and getting more use of my limbs. I will try to think only of that. Hiram Romeyn called I told him we would like to sell our place. He traded two of his farms for city property and had the offer through Phillips & Mills to whom I wrote for information a short time ago.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-17 17:12:59 .