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Tuesday June 7 1887. Still damp, dark and gloomy. I do not feel so well as I did yesterday morning. Have written to Mary Gifford to Charlie McEntee and to Ortgies. A letter came from Alice, and Mary had one from Calvert telling how Mr. Villard was made helpless something as I am, some 15 years ago but has got entirely over it. Alice says her father told her on reading my letter that two years ago his left hand was helpless, but he never mentioned it and has entirely got over it. The sun came out towards evening but the weather is not settled.
[[left margin]] Toby shod [[/left margin]]

Monday 8" Still dark and gloomy but warmer. I slept badly and do not feel so well today as on Monday. I seem to have more control of my joints but am very weak on my whole left side. I picked our first peas today. Sara is cleaning the sitting room and my fathers room. I sit powerless where I need to help so much. There are so many things which need my personal supervision that I am discouraged. Jamie Andrews came this evening his school having ended. Now he is all anxiety to get to his father and mother at Fort Bridger and they do not quite see how they can afford to have him come. I think I felt a little better towards evening.
[[left margin]] First peas [[/left margin]]

Thursday 9." Not so well as I hoped to be this morning. Very weak and shaky. Josephine came over to tell me they wanted to move from my house next week. They are not inclined to accommodate me by awaiting my convenience after letting them live there rent free for several years. There is a new worry and if Tom does not move in my house will be empty and my place uncared for. A letter came from Mary Gifford yesterday telling me of the death of Paul Gifford on Sunday in Kansas City. He was James Giffords second son. A letter came from Eastman. He was gratified to get mine and wants to forget our difference but insists that he has done nothing and neglected to do nothing in the way of loyalty to me. Also a letter from Ortgies & Co giving me three dates in Feb. for my sale 11" 18 & 25."
[[left margin]] Date of my sale Death of Paul Gifford [[/left margin]]

Friday 10" Sara went to N.Y. by the Powell this morning to return Saturday, to get her teeth attended to. I am no better, my left side very weak. Poor old Park has lain down never to arise I think. He is in a most pitiable condition and I cant put him out of his misery. It makes me sad to see him lying there with a cloud of murderous flies torturing him. I have been out twice in my feeble condition to put Carbolic Acid on him but the sight of him tortures me. I had a letter from Julia Dillon yesterday and wrote her today. Also wrote Ortgies selecting Feb. 25 for my sale. About 4 o'clk this afternoon Jamie Andrews got a pistol from Henry Struhe and shot poor old Park who lay under the apple trees near the well. He said he died instantly and made no struggle. He and Tom buried him in the hollow below Girards house. We had consulted Dr Smith about chloroforming him but he said it would he very difficult and would likely fail. So goes another old friend and it makes me sad to think of the faithful and intelligent friend of nine years that I shall see no more. My father whom I told that Park was nearly gone and that we thought of giving him chloroform was greatly affected. I was sorry I said any thing but Mary and I comforted him.
[[left margin]] Death of Park. Sale Feb. 25 [[/left margin]]

Saturday 11" A cool, rich quiet day. I try to believe my lame side is showing more sensation but alternate between hope that I am improving and fear that I am not. A letter came from Wood and with it the Insurance policy of the A. M. A. Society. I have written him. A letter came for Sara from Lucy but a telegram came from Sara saying 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-15 21:00:44 Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, Ortgies and Co., ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-17 10:49:21 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-17 23:14:22 .