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to Kingston to a tea party of the managers of the home at Mrs. Humphreys and this evening is going to a musicale at Mrs. Cantines which I have declined. I could not go if I wished. It has been warm and partially cloudy all day but cooler than last night.

Saturday June 18, 1887 Trials seem to come in a crowd. Jamie Andrews feared he was afflicted with hernia and has consulted Dr. Smith. He does not give a decided answer but told him he feared it might prove to be that. I have written Dr. Patchin & Taylor asking to have them examine him, he to go down some day next week. I also received a letter from Mrs. Geo. H. Wills and one from Bowyer. It is a grey day. I do not feel much better but try to think I am a little improved. Sara did not get home until near midnight last night and I waited up for her, and consequently got less than my usual amount of sleep, as there is no sleep after 5 o'clock from the din of whistles, and bells in all directions. I wrote to Drs. Patchin & Taylor for an appointment for an examination of Jamie.

Sunday 19" Jamie had a letter from his Mother yesterday very anxious about his coming out and full of fears about me. I have written her today telling her about Jamie and what I have prepared for him. I also wrote to Mr. Willis at Wyaulusing. I felt fairly well when I got up but have felt badly all forenoon, very weak and "swimmy". A letter came from Eastman last night in reference to the Santa Barbara property. He hears it repeated that I am seriously ill and wants me to give him an account of my condition so that he can speak by authority. Girard told me Victor Quilliard has sold his place to Maj. Cornell at $75 per foot, about 150 feet deep and that for the whole of his place including what he sold to the Lutheran Church he got nearly what my father told him in 1877 it was worth, viz $15,000 It is at a much higher rate than we ask for our place. I told my father about it and he was interested. I also read him Mr. Wells letter. He seems to feel better today. 

Monday 20" I seem to feel a little less helpless this forenoon and Sara has commenced to give me Sulphur. I mean to keep as quiet as possible which seems to me the best for me. Joe Tubby called to see us. He looks about as he always did. Has gone to house painting again and I imagine gets on in the same easy going way. Says he never worries over any thing. Mrs. Van Deusen brought me two books on Faith [[?]] and told me Coe Youngs son had walked about our place last Thursday with Alice and was much struck with it. He asked if we would sell it and she said she thought we would, and asked me our price. I told her to tell him to come and see me as I would sell him the whole or a portion but could not make a price until I knew what he wanted. She says he is able to buy, but I dont attach much importance to the affair. It has been a beautiful day and I think I am on the whole improved. 
[[left margin]] Tom moved to my house [[/left margin]]

Tuesday 21 Here we are in midsummer and after today the year begins to decline I can hardly realize it. We had thunder showers in the night and again during the day. I went down and picked the peas and do not feel the worse for it. I think I am a little improved. A letter came from Weir inquiring about me and I have written him and Eastman telling them I am better. Jamie drove me out to Stones for late cabbage plants but we could get none but got them at a house this side there. I felt badly after. 

[[left margin]] Late cabbage plants. [[/left margin]]

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