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father hes finally decided to have him come out to Fort Bridger and will send him the money in a few days. I also have a letter from her urging me to come with Jamie in the most cordial manner. She believes it would make me well and I could be so comfortable there and have perfect rest. I would rather do that than anything else. Sara and Mary say I must go so I am going to try to. I feel nothing could be better for me. I also had a letter from Joe Warren.
Wednesday July 27" 1887. Rachel (Mrs. Belden) went to N.Y. this morning, stopping at Garrisons on her way home. She seemed not at all settled as to her plans and her lack of decision makes her a difficult person to get on with. Much as we all sympathize with her I confess it was a relief to have her go, especially as we wish to be alone now. The  wind was north and it has been a fine rich day growing warm in the afternoon. Sara, Mary and I went over to the Cemetery this morning to try to decide upon a stone for our fathers & mothers graves. Post had sodded my fathers grave and the Phlox was in bloom above dear Gertrude. All my attempts to raise flowers there are failures except these and these are not a great success. The soil is very poor. I have written to Lucy that I will go out with Jamie if I possibly can. I also wrote to Derose for a few painting materials. The haying still drags, on account of the wet weather. Tom is very nearly done however.

Thursday 28" I made a design for a tombstone for my father and Mother and Sara and I went down to see Mr Kent about it. I fear it will cost too much from what he said. He is to give me an estimate. Sara had Gertrude's piano tuned today. We heard the first katydid last night. I had a letter from Mrs. Anderson. I fear from what she says about being obliged to make a living for herself and her child that her husband has gone to the bad. From what I observed last winter I thought he had become disipated. The weather continues remarkably hot, damp and depressing.

Friday 29" The weather continues very hot and humid. We had another shower this afternoon. The farmers cannot get their hay in and I understand it is rotting on the ground. Violent thunder showers nearly every day in the vicinity of N.Y. Cooler while it rained with wind north. Mary and Sara think I ought to make up my mind to go out to Lucy's and I have about decided to go. I have misgivings but they urge me to go thinking it will do me great good. I think if anything can help me that will. 

Saturday 30" It is more than a month now since our father died. The time goes rapidly, dull as it seems. Mrs. Lindsley gave Sara some ominous tidings of Joe today. She says he will make us trouble if he can and that is all I have expected of him. Have been over to my studio getting some of my things together for my western trip, packed my colors and got some canvases ready. It is very hot but there is a good breeze from the S. Sara had a letter from Lucy last night. She is very anxious I should come. Says there is a fine range of mountains there and thinks I will find interesting things to paint.     

Sunday 31. Very hot with a shower at dinner time. Sara had a letter from Julia Dillon wanting her to come to High Falls. She and John went by the 2'30 train. I had a letter from Weir. They will be here Wednesday on their way to the mountains. I have written to Ryal Reed to tell him I cannot go tomorrow to Downing, to Alice and to Lucy that I am coming with Jamie.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-17 23:52:15