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Sept. 28. Rain. Capt. Coolidge came from Rock Springs. Looks like Maurice. Wrote Sara. Sent her Lauras letter to Lucy.
- 29  Finished sketch (at Butte) Walk to the cedars opposite the post.
- 30  Rode to Butte fort. Made sketch. Wind & rain. Frank Furness & his nephew (arrived from Phil. to hunt in the Mts. Called on us.
31. Wrote Miss Nesmith. at home very shaky. Letter from Mrs. Sawyer. [[Enclose?]] [[photog?]]
Sept 1. Fishing Sutters fork, Jamie, Sedgwick, & I.
2 Windy. walk along stream. Letter from Sara. Capt. Coolidge left.
3 Finished sketch of Butte. Letter from Sam Coykendall.
4 Wrote Sara & Sam.
5 Went to mountains to camp. 4 mule team. Driver Welch- Cook Van Preef, Jamie, Sedgwick, Edgar, Carter & I. remained until 10."
10 Returned from [[Umtah?]] Mts. Letters from Sara, John McE. Downing, Alice, Booth.
11 Wrote Sara. Sent note of $500 for S.D.C. to renew my note. Wrote Janette
12 Windy & cold- Walk- Wrote Mary Gifford.
13 Walk around Post. Call at Dr. Brewsters ranch 
14 Ride to Head house, Jamie & I. Beautiful Autumn day
15 Ride to Butte. Lucy, John & I. Painted on sketch of Butte.
16 Ride to Indian Camp John & I. Sketch. Letter from Sara. Wrote Mrs Kent (Eliza Kellogg
17 Fishing- Walk in meadow 
18 Wrote Mrs. Sawyer - Sara - John McE- & Eastman.
19 Windy- Walk below bridge
20 Cloudy & still. Sketch & walk. Ride to see sunset with Lucy.
21 Ride down creek - Lucy - John & I. Letter from Sara and Janette.
22 Sketch down river. Lucy & I horseback. beautiful day.
23 Walk to cedars. Ride to Brewsters John & I (15 miles) Lucy letter from Sara. 
24 Sketch down river. Lucy & I horseback
25 Wrote Sara - Weir - Downing - Walk.
26 Sketch of the post from near mile bridge.
27 Lucy & I rode down river. Sketch of mesa edge & yellow trees.
28 Ride up on Bridger Butte, John, Lucy & I. Band of 12 antelopes on top. (Sketch from Butte. Still, beautiful day. Wrote John McE. Sent note to Abbeys. 
29 Ride to Soda Springs near Rail road. John, Lucy, Dr Van Carter & I. a ride of 40 miles -
30 Indian camp at Scotts ford. Furness & his nephew lunched with us on their return East. Letter from Sara & money order from Calvert for $75.
Oct. 1 Windy - Made some farewell calls 
2 Packing up- Dr & Mrs. Brewster called
3 Left for Salt Lake on my return home. Lucy, John, Jamie and Sedgwick rode to Station with me. Regret at leaving- End of a happy visit 

I staid over night at Salt Lake at the Walker House where I met Col. Stanton who was going to Fort Bridger next day to join Genl. Cook on a hunting trip. Left at 11 oclock via the Denver & Rio Grande narrow guage road and had a most interesting trip across the Wasatch & the Rocky Mts. Arriving in Denver Wednesday evening where I staid over night. Next morning to Kansas City & St Louis where I missed connection and staid over night at Wendell house. Next morning came via Wabash road to Detroit Niagara Falls & West Shore road reaching Kingston at 7.30 P.M. where Sara Girardie & Charlie met me.

Monday Oct. 10" - Unpacking my trunk and putting things away. All I can do to struggle against depressing and sad reflections. We do not know what we are going to do this winter - Called to see John McEntee this evening. We are to consult Kenyon and see what our powers are. I feel that our old home is gradually slipping away from us but I am going to try not to be saddened by it. Mrs. Lindsley made a long call this afternoon. I wrote to Jamie.

Tuesday 11" Sara went to Kingston. Meanwhile I wrote a long letter to Lucy and one to Mary. When Sara returned we walked over to Mrs. Folants house which is finished and to my satisfaction comes out even better than I hoped. The 

Transcription Notes:
Sept 30 - think this is Frank Furness, noted Philadelphia architect ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 13:28:45 to correct CUYKENDALL to COYKENDALL (the man who built a house on McEntees former property, his neighbor)