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no one else was up and I came back to my room without having seen any one. Ortgies again called on me. Someone else wanted my dates for a sale of foreign pictures and I gave it up quite willing to make it later. The dates fixed now are to hang my pictures on Wednesday Feb. 29. Open Thursday March 1 and sell Wednesday 7". He thinks the law will be amended by that time and would not advise me to sell in the day time. It was too dark to paint much but I kept at work at something. Calvert came back from Baltimore and was at dinner. I felt lonesome and forlorn and went up to the American Institute and passed the evening.
[[left margin]] Date of my sale [[/left margin]]

Tuesday Nov. 29 1887. I had a funny letter from Alices little daughter Bella. It hardly seems possible she is old enough to write a letter but she is nine years old. Have changed my picture and been painting all day. I went to see the Academy exhibition for an hour, but saw very little that interested me. I think the best picture there was a winter by Walter Palmer. Whittredge came to see me. He is coming in to his studio every day now. Was at Seagers all summer. Had a very pleasant call.

Wednesday 30" Painted all day. In the evening went to the private view at the American Art Galleries. There was such a crush and crowd I staid only a short time. They seem to have plenty of pictures and several Academicians have one or more pictures there who have nothing in the Academy. I wish the Academy would not try to have a fall exhibition. I went around to the club a little while but I do not feel like seeing any one, am tired and disinclined to meet people. I wrote to Sara after I came to my room. It is very cold and the wind and dust are very trying. I am wondering how Sara stands the cold and the loneliness at home.

Thursday Dec. 1" 1887
Very cold this morning. My ears and fingers ached when I went over to breakfast. Have worked all day on my picture but I do not take much pleasure in my work. I feel lonely and like isolating myself which is not a healthy state to be in. Whittredge came in. Something was said about my picture being hung down near the floor in the corridor last spring. Whittredge as usual had no word of sympathy for me. However when such a thing happens to him it is seen in another light. Went around to the club a little while and met Inness with whom I had a talk on art. His is a thoroughly artistic nature. His art is always in his thought and he never ceases to be enthusiastic about it. I think him a very talented man and by no means appreciated as he ought to be.
[[left margin]] Inness [[/left margin]]

Friday 2" Still cold with a snow storm threatening. I am working on my picture and improving it. Inness says he keeps painting on his old pictures and as his knowledge and facility increase he improves them. I think it a good idea and practice it somewhat myself. Geo. Hall called. An excellent man in every way but like most of us artists, too sensitive. We have to pay for it. I had a letter from Sara last night. Cousin Rachel is with her and she expects me on Saturday. Went around to the Century and met some of the artists.

Saturday 3" Warmer & foggy. Went up to the Art Museum to see the Wolfe pictures. What are called fine pictures do not seem to impress me much. I did not see much there that strongly appealed to me. There was a very fine little picture by [[Gallart?]]. I am in no mood I fear to enjoy much of anything. I went home by the 4 o'clock train. Found cousin Rachel staying with Sara.

Sunday 4. Still foggy. Took a walk with little Marie Anderson out to the view and home by the Post farm around the north end of the cemetery where dear Gertrude and I so often walked at this time of the year. I thought of her 

Transcription Notes:
Whittredge is Worthington Whittredge, Hudson River painter (not Whittridge) The name of the person in the second line who called on him is presumably the same person who is referred to as the Auctioneer on the previous page. It is very difficult to make out the name but it is Ortgies or Ortgis or something like that. The only other question is the name of the artist whose picture he appreciated on Saturday the third. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 14:32:41 .