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at Fred Nortons in the evening and then went to the club a little while.

Saturday Dec. 17" 1887. Did not sleep well and awoke early feeling very nervous. Went around to the Academy for half an hour this being the closing day of the exhibition. Marion and I went to Rondout by the 4 oclock train. It began to snow shortly after we reached the house.

Sunday 18. It snowed all night and was still snowing this morning and as it had blown against the house and the windows it looked very wintry although it was not cold. I got some exercise shoveling the snow from the front porch. It was very cozy and pleasant at home and we staid in all day. Girard came over. Elting Anderson had endorsed his note after all. He told me Mr. Brandon would probably buy a lot on Chester St. and he had got Flinn to get a resolution passed by the common council to have the city surveyor make a profile of the grade of Chester St. from Union Av. to James Avenue.

Monday 19. Pleasant day and not cold. We got our Xmas presents ready and sent Lucys off to her. Marion, Dwightie and I walked downtown to make some purchases. Miss Emma [[?]] came to visit Sara. We found everyone travelling in sleighs. Sara says she will miss the horses now as she is very fond of sleighing. I thought of the winter rides out on the Flatbush road and through the woods and the winter walks to the places I will probably never visit again. This dear old home grows dearer to me as the probabilities of leaving it increase. I wrote to Lucy Sunday and sent her a little present today which I forgot to put in the package yesterday. I came down most reluctantly in the 7:45 train and reached here at 11, and the loneliness and isolation here were in marked contrast to the companionship of home.

Tuesday 20. Painted all day began a winter picture 15x18 from a sketch of last winter. Jay Smith the Minneapolis Art man called to get a picture for a collection he is going to take to Jacksonville Florida. I showed him my little sketches and he was greatly interested in them and thinks he can do something with them. Is coming to see me tomorrow. Went to the club and wrote a short letter to Sara. It was raining and still rain when I came to my room.

Wednesday 21" Painted all day on my larger autumn picture but am worried over it. I find some artists always seem satisfied with what they do. I sometimes wish I could be better satisfied with mine. Mr. Smith did not come. I hoped to make some arrangement with him to sell my little pictures but the idea of selling anything seem to be utterly vain. I spent the evening quietly at Marys and then came to my room and looked over old letters for an hour. I am trying to get rid of a mass of old letters and bills which have accumulated for years.

Thursday 22. Mr. Smith called but just as I was going out and is to come tomorrow. Mr. A M. Palmer manager of the Madison Sq. theater gave a matinee of Elaine today to artists and the profession and sent me his seats. I wired Mary and went over there to lunch. To my surprise the play was most interesting, nicely put upon the stage and well acted. It was enjoyed by a house filled with artists and actors and their friends. It is very cold the coldness from the West having reached here. I went around to the club and read an article by Hayley on Science and the Bishops.

Friday 23. Still cold. Smith called this morning and has taken eight of the little sketches, four of them in frames, in his collection for Jacksonville Fla. He is to sell them at $50 each if he can or $75 for two or try to see what he can do with them. He gave me a receipt for them. He seems a live [[?]] and I would like to get him interested in selling my pictures. I worked on my large picture and also went over my winter picture, strengthening it and I think improving

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2? remain. Closing.