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Saturday Jan. 7" 1888. Came home by the noon train. Went to work on the screen across this hall at the foot of the back stairs but did not accomplish much, as it soon grew dark.

Sunday 8" Rained. Saw by the Leader that Rev. W. S. Balch died at Elgin Ill. on Christmas day. He was one of the older generation of Universalist ministers, and a friend of my fathers and Mr. Sawyer. He was 82 years old. Sara and I dined with John McEntee and Julia Dillon who is there. John had had a letter from Dr. Talcott of the Middletown Asylum in answer to one from him in which he said Nannie was more contented, has a fairly good appetite and slept well. After dinner he took me out for a drive on Albany Avenue. The sleighing was fine and  his horse very fast.  
Monday 9" Worked all day on the screen and finished it. It was a more elaborate job than I had supposed but it is very effective and helps greatly to keep the lower hall comfortable
Tuesday 10. Snowed. Sara and I called on the Ludlums. From there she went up to the station to meet Mrs. Capt. Knight and her two children on their way to Fort Leavenworth. They came up from New Paltz, went to the Eagle Hotel for supper and went west by West Shore train

Wednesday 11. Cold. Walked down town. A letter came from Marion saying her father was better but had been threatened with brain fever. Mrs. Cantines second reception occurred today. We had calls from Mrs. E Tomkins, Mrs. Snyder and John Stubbins and from Mrs. Clarke of Kingston

Thursday 12. Very Cold. 2° below 0 this morning on our back porch. I wrote Mary yesterday to bring