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[underline] Wednesday Feb 1st 1888. [underline] Sara returned this evening from her visit to [?] and Emily where she went a [?] ago
[underline] Thursday 2. [underline] a [?]tiful morning, [?] alone I had night and [?]. I came to N.Y. by [?]. [?] came with me and went to Fred [?]. I went [?] to see [?] and he is to come tomorrow morning and talk [?] with me. After  dinner I went up called in Mr. & Mrs. [?] and staid (stayed?) there until 10 o clock. Then I went to the church. [?] came in and we talked of Wyoming where he has been hunting this summer at the time I was [?].
[underline] Friday 3 [underline] Tommy [?] came in this morning and we discussed frames. I am to get the [?] all completed today and he is to come again tomorrow morning and then we will decide  upon certain shapes for certain pictures. A couple of ladies called to [?] a picture but [?] all I have [?] nothing. I think they [?] wanted a small one.
Have been at work all day. Sitting(?) my pictures & [?] arranged and in [?] to decide on frames. Called at Joe Carmells in the evening. He wasn't in but I saw Mrs. Carmell.
[underline] Saturday 4th [underline] Began to snow this morning but has turned to rain. Tommy [?] came and we settled upon the frames for my pictures 16 in all.
I have been varnishing some of them and am gradually getting details of my sale in order. Have written to [?] to allow me to use their names in my catalogue as purchasers for any [?] able to attend the sale. Went home by 4'o clock train. It was raining and the [?] in a [?]. Fred and Annie [?] were in the train and John met them at the station and I rode [?] them. Fred [?] at [?] house. Sara had invited him to go to the [?] had the weather persisted. Gov. Hill was to have [?] but did not come in account of the rain. He was a [?] of [?] Parker who had a [?] for him to which all parties were invited. John [?] was invited. Saw in the [?] today the death of Capt. Tremper of [?] in [?] where he had gone on a will. [?] the death of old captain [?] and ran the [?] in 1838. I remember him well.
[underline] Sunday 5 [underline]. Bright and warm and changing fast. Ward(?) and I took a walk [?] to see the [?]. He [?] back to [?] by the 4.30 train.
Fred and Annie came up and made a call. I came away by the 7.45 train. Sara walked down with me and went to Johns to see about going to middleton to see [?]. Got to my room at 11 and [?] it in [?] half done in it.
[underline] Monday 6th [underline] Cold again.