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but the wind has again blown a gale all day and it has been difficult to keep the home comfortable. I wrote to Ortgies to find out if he has any definite information regarding the new law relating to Auctions. I wrote to Sara last night and to Thos. McEntee and went down to mail them. I had to wade, in some places nearly to my middle to reach the street as our road is drifted full and a great drift lies in the gateway. When I came back although the wind was blowing Tom and I shoveled out the road and worked until noon. It soon drifted full again however and will all have to be done over. This violent wind is most uncomfortable and I will be glad when it has spent its force. I am expecting Eastman tomorrow and hope it will be over before he comes. I went down in the evening and visited the Cantines. When I got back I found Bayers satchel here. He went over to Girards and they went over to the slide. He staid here. He and his companions were to meet at the West Shore Station but they got left. Still very cold, just above zero at bed time. 

Saturday 28." 4° below zero this morning. Bayer and I went down after breakfast, he to telegraph to his friends. I got a letter for Sara from Lucy from Salt Lake which I remailed to her. Just after I got back on the hill I got a telegram from Eastman saying he left in the 11.30 train and so he will be here about 3. Calvert sent me his check for $70. which he owed me. Eastman came but did not reach here until 3.30. We went over to the toboggan slide where we met Girard, Elting Anderson Sam and many others. Sam got us on his toboggan and put Eastman on in front and we had three or four rides which he enjoyed greatly. We went over again in the evening to see the fun but did not ride. They had bonfires, Chinese lanterns and fireworks and there was a great crowd of people. It was a very animated and interesting scene. After watching the riding a while we came back by Chester St and called on Mrs. Cantine. There was an eclipse of the moon this evening and as it was clear and still we saw it perfectly almost from first to last. 

Sunday 29" Still cold but still and bright. We were in the house most of the day, except Bayer who went skating. We walked down to John McEntees and called on him and on our way back met Sam Cuykendall who had been up to call on us. Staid at home and had a punch in the evening Bayer 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 16:59:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 18:22:10