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Wednesday Feb. 8" 1888. A letter from Sara asking if I could come up to go to New Paltz on Friday with our Charities Aid Association. Wrote her I would try to. She had been down to Middleton to see Nannie and had just returned and was too tired to tell me about it. Mr. F.B. Clarke came to see my pictures I am going to sell. He was very encouraging. Thought I would get a good sum for them and thought the collection very varied and interesting and said he would help all he could to get people there. He can do a great deal if he chooses, I think he sees that I have put in my best and that there will be no claptrap or humbug about it. Major Bundy put my note in the hands of Mr. Domet who has written me a very friendly note saying he will conscientiously be able to write as favorable notice of my collection as he did of Whittredges. A note from Whitelaw Reid also says he will do what he can for me. Spent most of the evening at Marys reading and went to the club a little while and talked with McDonough, Nash and Hall the lawyer. Came away with Benjamin and stopped at his room in 14" St, up a dark, narrow hallway to the 4" floor to see a marine picture of his.

Thursday 9" Cold again. Casilan called and expressed himself as greatly pleased as well as surprised at the variety and excellence of my collection, predicting that my sale would be a success. He was particularly pleased with my Western sketches made at Fort Halleck and thought them good in color and very truthful.

Friday 10" Had a poor breakfast in my room at 6.30 and took the 7.50 train on the Ontario & Western to go to New Paltz. Was delayed half an hour at Campbell Hall and longer at Montgomery. It was bitterly cold - arrived at New Paltz after 1 o'clock and went directly to Sterns hotel where I met the delegation of our branch of the State Charities aid association at dinner. There were Miss Forsyth, Miss Shufeldt, Miss Van Leuven, Sara and myself from Kingston, Mrs. Wood from Rowendale, John Broadhead & wife from High Falls, Mr. Bunyan from Shawangunk Rev. Mr. [[blank]] from Marlboro and Mr. [[blank]] from Esopus I think. Mr. Lindsley & Mr. Westbrook also from Kingston. After a good dinner we were driven to the poor house which we went through more rapidly than I could have wished, for lack of time. The new part used as quarters for the insane impressed me more favorably than I feared. It was clean and apparently well ventilated, but there were sane and insane in the same building and not nearly enough supervision. In the old place things were not so favorable but sadly better than I had dared to hope. We held a meeting in Mr. Saxton's office and then had to catch the evening train home. It snowed as we came home and snowed all night.

Saturday 11" Snowed all day. I only walked down to the post and Sara went to Kingston to see a new patient, Henry Connellys wife. She has been to Middleton and seen Nannie who she says is improved, weighs 9 lbs more than she did and met her cheerfully, but doubted it was she just before she came away. It was a cozy day at home. I wrote to Janette.

Sunday 12. Bright and moderate. The snow is very deep, nearly three feet on the level it is said. The mercury on Friday morning was 20° below 0 in Kingston. I wrote to Lucy. In the afternoon we went down to the Cantines and made molasses candy. They are going to entertain Chas. Dickens who is to read in Kingston Wednesday evening and asked me to dinner to meet him but I was obliged to decline. Went from there to Girards and staid all evening. Blamwell came in a while

Monday 13 A most beautiful morning. Walked down to the mail and got a letter from Lucy to Sara. Saw John McEntee and told him of the inquiry about our place. He knows this Mr. Sanderson. Says he has money and is a pleasant man. Advised me to go to see the agents again. Sara

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