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Thursday March 22" 1888.  We finished the hanging of the Academy exhibition this afternoon and reported it to Mr. Richards. I think it a very varied and interesting exhibition and one that will claim attention. Ideas in art are changing and I confess I grow more and more to like a broad treatment which is based on knowledge of the details and facts of Nature. Attended a meeting of the Artists Guild of N.Y. at the Academy and became a member. Its objects are to protect the interests of artists at Expositions away from N.Y. and which are not strictly Art Institutions.

Friday 23. Cold as winter again. I went down to Rogers, Peet & Co's and bought an overcoat, two pairs of pantaloons, three summer coats and two vests and a pair of shoes for a little over $54. A Mr. Stevens called to get a picture for a collection at the Hardman piano store. He is going to start an art paper and get a subscription out of me. I can predict the result of his efforts. It always makes me smile when any one wants to start an art paper. The wind has blown a gale all day and it is like Winter. Spent the evening at Marys and came to my room about 10.30. Mr & Mrs. Fullerton (nee Millie Pierce) called at Marys.

Saturday 24" Very cold this morning. I stopped at Wilmonts and paid my bill. He deducted $65 from the bill of frames for my sale and I paid him $1318. in all which was my old bill and for my sale. Began a picture from the little sketch I gave Mary which I have always liked and which I have tried in vain to reproduce. Went to the club in the evening. Mr. Frothingham was there. I spoke with him. He has had a slight attack of paralysis I understand and his speech is visibly affected. Wrote to Sara at Baltimore.

Sunday 25. Mary and I went to hear Mr. Williams who preached an excellent sermon on worshiping in "Spirit and in truth"  Mr. Frothingham was there. The first time I ever heard him was in this church. He was a young man then and now his hair is white and he has had a slight stroke of paralysis and is on the downward road as I am. After church I went around to the Club and wrote to Lucy. Read Miss Amelie Rives story in the Lippincott in the evening "The quick and the dead."

Monday 26. It snowed in the night. Have been painting all day. Mr. Clarke called and looked at some of my Western Studies. Says a Mr. Halsted wants a large picture of mine and asked about my Academy picture, also wanted to know if I would sell the "Clouds" I told him I had never cared to sell it, that I painted it for myself. Then he asked if I would not sell it if I got a good price for it. I said I presumed I would sell my hide if I were well paid for it. I think he wants some thing from me - Bowyer and I went to the Star Theater to see the Boston Specialty Co. A part of it was entertaining but there was a great preponderance of vulgarity and coarseness. I thought of the Shade of Irving looking in upon this stage that he and Ellen Terry have just left.
Tuesday 27" I went down to Rogers, Peet & Co directly after breakfast and bought a pair of shoes. Coming back I had some words with a selfish fellow in a Broadway car who would not move to let me sit down. I told him he was a hog - but I was sorry immediately - one had better suffer a little inconvenience than resent such ill breeding. He followed me out on the platform and swore at me to the conductor but I paid no attention to him. I have sent to Dr Brown two of the little pictures at $50 each.

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