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my fathers estate, came today and I filled it out and returned it to the surrogate. Sara and I went to Barnums and were greatly entertained There certainly is a bewildering variety of interesting performances.

Sunday April 1" 1888.

A fine, bright Easter day. Mary, Sara and I went to hear Dr. Bolles at the Universalist Church in 11" St. He preached an excellent and most interesting and touching sermon on the Resurrection. His theme was the existence in each mortal of a germ of the Divinity whence we sprang and that the least germ of good will ultimately triumph over the evil. The Misses Nichol took tea with and also Julia Dillon. While we were at tea Miss Youmans came in. She has spent the winter in California and arrived here the day before the Blizzard. I went around to the Club. The Talk was of [[Lawyer? Langer?]] Marsh who lectures tonight on the Spiritual pictures produced by Madam Dis Debar, which is the sensation just now. 

Monday 2" I made an arrangement today with a servant who was employed here a short time ago, to take charge of my room for five dollars a month. I happened to come into my room one day while she was at work and the careful and intelligent manner of working interested me, as I have had to complain many times of the slovenly way the work is done here. I wrote Mrs. Cassidy a note yesterday telling her I was going to try this experiment that I was not offended at her, but that I thought perhaps her girls had too much to do. She apparently took no notion of it, but last evening she came to my room with fire in her eye and attempted to bully me, but I shut her up by telling her I did not care to hear what her servants said and that there was no use talking about the matter, as I had decided upon it and already hired the girl. She attempted to prejudice me against her and threw out various insinuations which I did not notice but told her if she did my work well that was all I asked of her and if she didnt I would try some thing else. She went away threatening me with Mr. Wells the agent tomorrow. I feel sorry for the woman because I think she has a difficult role to fill and she is not fitted for it. She is a virago and a mischief maker and I dont want any trouble with her.

Tuesday 3. The girl came promptly this morning. I had overslept myself and was still in bed. No one had molested her, she said and I cautioned her not to quarrel with the housekeeper. I had to hurry off to breakfast and left her to do the work. Directly after breakfast I noticed the death of old Mr. Whitehorne an old Academician in the Tribune, the funeral to take place at 10 o clock at 119 E. 115" St. I had half an hour but I took the L. road and got there in time. The place was at the top of the house in a poor flat and only a very few people were there. Guy was the only artist except Mr. Fanshaw an old Associate. There was no service and candles were burning at his head. An old gentleman there proposed to his wife to make a prayer but she warned him not to unless asked to, as they were Catholics. There were no services His son received the people who came and he was smoking a cigarette. I asked him how much of a family his father had and he said a son by a first wife and, I think a son and a daughter by a second wife. Guy told me he was entirely dependent upon his profession and that they were very poor, in absolute distress   

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-19 14:00:32 Madam Dis Debar- a fake medium of that era