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receipt of the Spanish novel I sent her. I wrote to her this afternoon. Van Derlip called today about my insurance which before my sale was $10.000. I finally proposed to make it $7.000 now and he is to give me a new policy in place of the old one

Saturday Apl. 7 " 1888. The wind has blown all day and the air is full of dust. The grass in the harbor is green and the boats start today to run to Albany. The spring is at hand and I meet it in a much more cheerful and hopeful mood than I did the last spring. Have painted all day. The frame came for Calverts picture and the picture is practically finished. I received a note from John McEntee today telling me the Surrogate had advertised for claims against my fathers estate. The monthly meeting of the Century occurred tonight. I sent two small sketches. I met Weir and seven others, among them Rev. D. Bolles to whom I was introduced Weir, Johnson and I sat together and talked until nearly 2 o clock
[[left margin]] Surrogate advertised [[/left margin]]

Sunday 8". Lara, Mary and I went to hear Mr. Eaton in Chopen[[?]] old church. It was a bright day and many people thronged the streets. After service we went around to the Century to see the pictures and from there I went up to the Cranch's where I was invited to dine at 2 o'clock. They live in a flat in E. 84" St. Miss Waller dined with us. About 5 o'clock I came down and called on Lily French and Mrs. Weir who is visiting her. I found them beside Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Alden Weir and a young man. Lily looked remarkably well. I have not seen her for two years. She showed me photographs of Emmas children of which she has four. Presently Alden and John came in. They were going out to tea and I came down to Marys. Mrs Youmans came to tea with us and Mrs. Custer was to have come but did not get Marys note. I came to my room early as I was up late last night.

Monday 9. I sent a new note to John McEntee endorsed by Calvert and me to renew Abbeys note for the estate due on the 11" The man has brought me no coal for two days and it looks as though they are boycotting me again. This is annoying. I hate to get into such rumpuses, but I wont be imposed upon. I began a new picture 15-18. Sara called on her return from seeing a Spiritual medium Julia Dillon had taken her to. She had an interview with her and said some remarkable things; without, as usual carrying any direct knowledge or information. For instance she said our Mother was present and noticed that Sara wore her ring which pleased her - but is that all the spirit of our Mother could say to her children? She said there was a beautiful person present with blue grey eyes who did not want to go to the spirit land for she loves this life and had strong attachments. Her name was "Gertrude" she fell asleep and in a moment awoke in happiness. She loved her (Sara) and wished to embrace her." Now this is all strange and unaccountable, but how utterly unsatisfying. She said her father was present, and Maurice who said he was progressing, getting on well. She said his infirmity had been chiefly physical. and much more that seemed remarkable as coincidences rather than as establishing any proof of spiritual agency. But the question is how did she an utter stranger come to know even of the existence of my father and mother, Gertrude, Maurice and others. I went around to the club a little while. Saw Armstrong who says it is still cold and dismal in the country. I left Marbury 

[[left margin]] Sara and the Medium [[/left margin]] 

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