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eating a Welsh rarebit which seemed rather heroic in his somewhat feeble condition. He has seemed less brilliant and active of late. Lang sent me two books of his Ms. memoirs and I read two chapters this evening.

Tuesday Apl. 10" 1888. Rainy in the afternoon with N. E. wind. I painted all day. Wrote to Tom we were coming home a week from Saturday next and to have the hall fire built. I also wrote to Girard and enclosed Toms note to him. the wind blew and the rain poured when I went to dinner. I got on the platform of a cross train car and had all I could do to stick on. We all spent the evening with Julia Dillon and I read them some of Lucys Manuscript which they all enjoyed.

Wednesday 11". Calvert came over to see the picture of Lake Placid he and Mary are to give to Lita Brace as a wedding present. He was entirely pleased with it. I went up to Wilmurts and arranged to have it boxed and sent tomorrow. Then I went and called on Lang and had a talk with him about his book. I lunched with Mary and Sara and then we went up to the Bloomingdale Asylum by the Third Av. L. Road and the Boulevard cars. We saw Dr. Noyes who took us all over the building. We saw poor old Mrs. Winter. She knew us but seemed dull and dazed and had changed greatly. From here we walked over to Grants tomb and then down to the Cable Road at 125" Street which took us clear past the High Bridge and the new iron bridge they are building above. We came back by the Third Av. L. road in time for dinner having had a most interesting afternoon. It was fine weather, not too warm, with a brisk West wind and fine skies. In the evening Sara, Julia Dillon and I went up to the Academy.
[[left margin]] Saw Mrs. Winter [[/left margin]]

Thursday 12" I received a very hopeful letter from John today giving excellent reports of Nannies improvement. He had had several letters from her and also from the Dr. giving him great encouragement. I answered his letter at once for it was a great gratification to me. I also had a letter from Mrs. Dailey. She said the money for the contributions of the M. A. Society would be very welcome. I painted all day but my pictures look dull and pointless, they do not satisfy me. Leta Braces picture went today. Calvert, Mary, Sam and I went to a party at Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodges this evening. There was a crowd of interesting people in her pretty apartment in the Navarro building. Mr. Rollins her neighbor threw open his adjoining apartment which made a charming suite of rooms. Mrs. Dodge has often invited me to her house before but I never went. She told me my acceptance of her invitation was the first one she received. I met a great many pleasant people.
[[left margin]] Mrs Dodges party [[/left margin]]

Friday 13. Girard came in in his usual distress for money. It just makes me sick. I utterly refused to help him. He wanted $500, but finally I told him I would let him have $250 to apply on his account against the estate. I am to let him have it about the first of May either in a note or in money. My money is getting away and where I am to get more I dont know. It seems he owes the Continental Insurance Co. $500 which has been running five years and now they threaten to put it into the hands of their attorney. He was in a pretty anxious fix. We went out to lunch together and I told him I would do this when we came back. He went home considerably relieved. I wish I could pay his debts and let him start free. Downing 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 13:22:56 Ms. = manuscript .