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pictures in them if not more so and I have heretofore not sufficiently recognized that fact. I have been here all winter and have not sold one picture and my picture at the Academy has not even been inquired about. I begin to place no reliance whatever on my profession. Mr. Styles, Calverts friend of the ((?)) and Mr. Parsons came into Mary's this evening and I went around to the club. Dr. Stinson who is on the nominating committee asked me about certain names at the head of the list and I designated two at least who I thought would be no acquisition to the club.
Wednesday Apl. 25" 1888 I went up Third Avenue this morning and ordered some of Weidners cider, took a look at Morton's collection of pictures and walked down to my studio. The weather is still cold and bright. I sent checks as follows $750 to the First National Bank Rondant to pay my note due there on the 28th the last of the two thousand I borrowed a year ago. Also $53 to H.S. Terwilliger for the casket for our father and $210 to Boston for some paper. A letter came from Mrs. Lord, to whom I wrote a day or two ago proposing to go down to her place on Thursday, telling me to come. The Delawater Inn works in W. 13" burned last night. I saw the fire on my way to my studio and walked over there, a long distance, but there was such a crowd I could not get near and came back to the century for a little while.
Thursday 26" I went down to Staten Island to visit Mrs. Lord on the 5:30 boat. I was to have met Mr. McNamee her daughters husband but he was detained in town. However Mrs. McNamar herself was on board but did not see me until we landed. Her carriage was there and we drove to their house a mile and a half distant, her Aunt Mrs. Rob being with her. The house is a very tasteful pleasant one with a beautiful vie down the bay. Mr. McNamara came by a later boat when we had dinner. There was a visitor Miss Massie a young Virginia widow very bright and entertaining. We talked until 11 o'clock and had a most agreeable evening.
Friday 27" Mrs. Lord and I came to town by the 10 20 boat. I had a delightful visit and renewed and strengthened, I hope a pleasant acquaintance. Received a letter from Ma. Wilkinson telling me I might nominate him for the Century as I had proposed to him and naming Weir and Elihu Root to second him, to both of whom I wrote. Began a little picture 12x15 based on one of my Askville subjects. I sent my just completed picture "A Mountain Stream" to Stuarts collection at the "Crescent" 5" Avenue. Spent part of the evening at the club, where I wrote to Lucy.
Saturday 28" Painted on my little picture and have about finished it. Wrote to Mrs. Darley telling her about the meeting of the A.M.A. It is warm and springlike. Mary and I went home by the 4 o'clock train. It was so warm that we had the car window open all the way. At home Sara had the windows and doors all open. The hall stove still had fire in it but it was decidedly de trop. We sat out on the porch all the evening just as in summer.
Sunday 29 Still warm and delightful. I took down the screen I put up in the hall last fall to keep the heat from going upstairs and as Julia and Harry Donaldson are to occupy my room this summer and I am to room over in my little house