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the outing for the Artists Mutual Aid Society. I saw Wood and we decided I should send out cards for that day which I did and I also wrote to Whittredge. Wood, Story and I bought a basket of "Eclipse" champagne and sent to Whittredge to be used on that occasion as we are to lunch at his house. I have been fussing about such things all day and have not painted a bit. I wrote to Tom McEntee. I saw Bierstadt at the club last night and asked him if he had been over the Canadian Pacific. He said he had not but would like to go. I told him I thought of going west this year and he said he did too. He proposed we go together. Said the company had sent him photographs of the scenery in the Canadian Pacific and asked me to come and see them which I think I will. I called on the Stoddards this evening. Mrs. Stoddard came to the door in a wrapper evidently not expecting visitors. Dick was in his shirt sleeves reading proof of Mrs. Stoddards novel in long strips which kept tumbling down and getting mixed. I talked with Lizzie and Dick swore inwardly and sometimes audibly. Stedman has arranged for the bringing out of Mrs. Stoddards novels and the first one will be published in June with a preface by Stedman. I staid an hour and came around to the club.

Friday 11" A letter from Weir wanting to know if I know of any exhibitions where he can send pictures. Says he is in a tight place. I wrote immediately and told him I was going to send to Minneapolis and to the Art Institute of Chicago. Hall called. He has been ill. It has snowed all day. I went up in the afternoon and called on Bierstadt. He is painting a buffalo hunt, a large picture. He showed me interesting photographs taken on the Canadian Pacific road. Said he would like to go there but I think he doesnt quite know any more than I, what he will do. Dined at the club.

Saturday 12" Mrs. Irving came to see me to sell some trifle. I had a talk with her and found out that her second husband Pickett is a man hardly able to take care of himself and does nothing for her support, and yet she seems attached to him. From what she said she has no home and I hardly know how she lives. I asked her if she would like to do something and she said she would, could take care of children of whom she is very fond. I have written to Miss Nesmith to see if she can suggest anything. While she was here some ladies called but I had to tell them I was engaged and asked them to come later which they did. Went home by 4 o'clock train and went from Jay St. The sail up along the city was very pleasant. Bowyer was to go on this train but did not. He went by H.R. train at 3.30.

Sunday 13 Cool. We had a little fire in the hearth. Bowyer and his Agnes dined with us. John McEntee came to see us and after dinner I walked down to his house. I had a letter from Jamie.

Monday 14" Bright, fine morning, the apple blossoms not out but ready to burst. The fourth anniversary of dear Gussies death. The apple blossoms were out then. I wonder if her children thought of her and of this place. We thought of them and their irrational estrangement from us. I was busy all forenoon fixing the kitchen door and knocked the skin off my knuckle first thing. The man came and fixed the stove. Put in new fire brick and a new grate. I did some painting and directed Tom in planting a second crop of peas, Lima beans, Nantucket pumpkin &c. In the afternoon we had thunderstorms which finally settled into a steady rain. Sara went to Kingston but returned at 3. Mrs. E. Tompkins called to see her. Said Laura had written them she would be there between the middle of April and June 1. She wanted to write her but did not know where to address her. She wanted to go to Philadelphia but said she could not now. She told Sara there was trouble between Mr. & Mrs. Lindsley. That, as I understood, they had employed lawyers and contemplated a separation but I believe have desisted for the present. Cantine rode up to the station with me. He said

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