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Saturday 19". Came home for the summer by the 11 o clock train. I had a call from a lady living in Wisconsin, the wife of a Methodist minister who is attending the general conference here. They have lived in Oregon. She said she used to see my pictures in Chicago and had always liked them. Sara and I moved some of my things over to my house in the rooms dear Gertrude and I occupied in our early married life. Very sacred associations surround this little place, shabby and neglected as it seems. I wish I were able to put it in order and that Sara and I were living here.

Sunday 20" Making my preparations to go to the north woods with Major Wilkinson tomorrow.

Monday 21. I met Wilkinson at the train which reaches Rhinebeck about half past five. We had supper in Utica and staid over night at Baggs Hotel and the next morning took the train for Boonville where a conveyance awaited us to take us to Philip Studers at White Lake Corners, 10 Miles. There we changed to a buck board and were driven in to Woodhull dam where a boat met us and took us to the head of the lake. We walked over the carry of a mile and a quarter our effects being drawn over on a sled by a horse, to the lodge, a rambling log structure on the shore of Bisby Lake. We had rooms in the new hall near the sitting room, very cheerful and comfortable apartments overlooking the lake. The house is excellently kept by Henry Studer and his wife, the latter a most capable person. Several of the club members were there or came there with friends during out stay of ten or twelve days among them Genl. Sherman of New Hartford, Mr. Maurice of Athens Pa. Mr. Proctor proprietor of Baggs Hotel, Utica, Mr. Knevals of N.Y. one of the Foresting Commission, Chas. Miller whom I used to meet 25 years ago in N.Y., Mr. Bryant and some friends from Mass. Mr. Ransom Surrogate of N.Y. City and J. W. Husted former speaker of the N.Y. Assembly, also Mr. Boardman Editor of the Rail Road Gazette. Mr. Boardman, Mr. Hunter and Mr. Maurice have cottages near by. We each had a guide 

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