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Laura is visiting at Ned Tompkins' where she came Monday. She wrote to Girard's wife she would be there and would come up to see them and they have invited her to spend the day with them. Marion went over to Girard's and dined with her. After dinner Laura came over to see us without any solicitation on our part. We had just finished dinner. Sara and I met her cordially and an outsider would not have known there were any differences between us. She did not bring her daughter Mary with her but left her at the cove. Marion was going home today and Sara had arrived to go over the river with her and left Laura with Julia and me. They presently went up to Julia's room and I went down to the shop to prepare some potash for the drain. When I returned Laura had gone but she left a good bye for me and thought she might return as she had only gone over to the Van Deusens. I rather feel sorry for her. It was a trial to meet us but we are all glad she had the courage to do it. There was no allusion to our troubles. I have been puttering about doing many things. I worked a little on the head of Gertrude but I doubt if I will make anything of it. Sara and I went to a little tea party at the Clarks in Kingston in their pretty new house. There were about twenty present, Mr & Mrs Cantine, Mr & Mrs John Forsyth, Kitty and Ella Forsyth, Chipp and his wife, Frank & Mrs Waters, Mr & Mrs Searing, Mr. Wiley from Golden hill, Mrs Van Slyck, Kate Young who is visiting them, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Searings mother. We had a very pleasant evening. Incessant lightning played beyond the mountains all evening, but the storm was so far away that little thunder was heard. We came home in a cab with the Cantines. It has been a hot day with a brisk South wind. 

Thursday June 7" 1888. The weather is cool with a clear atmosphere and North wind. I have had a lonely half sad feeling. Is the atmosphere of this place depressing to me with its merriness and associations and the uncertainty which hangs about our future? I find it difficult to become interested in my profession. Any effort is a physical tax upon me and I am inclined to put off to some future time what I ought to do at once. I have tried to paint on the picture of Gertrude but I can make nothing out of it. The more I work on it the worse it looks. Sara went down to Ned Tompkins' to see Laura. She expected to stay to tea and I was going down after tea but Laura had been invited to Mrs. Lindsleys to tea and so she came home.

Friday 8" Down town in the morning and at work in my studio in the afternoon. Winne Crispell paid me for his little picture. I only charged him $25 for it as he has done me favors. He wants me to paint some local scene. Sara and I went over to the Cemetery to see the headstone at our parents graves. She was very much pleased with it but discovered the date of our mothers birth was 1806 instead of 1809.

Saturday 9" Down town. Met John who went to Middleton yesterday to see Nannie. On the whole he was encouraged and felt she was much improved. I stopped in at Kents the Stone cutters and found the mistake in my mothers birth was my own. It will be  difficult to rectify it. Mrs. Lindsley called on horse back with her groom riding behind her. She made a long call - 

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5/19 - 1 [[?]] Resolved. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-19 21:29:19