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Sara asked her to come up Friday when our branch of the State Charities Aid is to meet at our house. Our fence got on fire down in the woods about noon and we all turned out and put it out before much damage had been done. 

Sunday June 10" 1888. Cloudy and dull a lot of the day. I wrote to Mary and sent her a statement of the account between us. I also wrote to Jamie Andrews and to Charlie McEntee and a note to Pres. Barnard of Columbia College in recognition of an invitation to present upon the stage at the annual commencement. Sara and I walked down to Johns after tea. We did not see him as he and Clara had gone out to ride. We saw Julia who with her mother are there. Aunt Christina is very feeble and keeps her bed most of the time.

Monday 11" A changeful day of threatening rain in the morning and a strong wind in the afternoon. There have been foul skies and I feel I ought to have tried to get something of them but they change so rapidly I was discouraged from undertaking it. Went down town this morning - have worked a little in the garden, and so another day has gone. I feel almost as though I am wasting them, I accomplish so little. I have resumed my health exercises. George Van Deusen was found dead in the upper part of his store, presumably from heart disease. I am writing over in the studio at our little house. The fringe tree is in blossom - the one Mrs Wheeler gave Gertrude and the "Brown Thrasher" is singing as he or his forefathers used to sing when we lived here. Oh! how many things to remind me of the dear lost days.
[[left margin]] resumed exercises. [[/left margin]]

Tuesday 12" Sara and I went up to Kingston last evening and called on the Forsyths - From there we went to John Forsyths and saw them and Mrs. Tomlinson. Mrs Forsyths mother. Then we called at the Clarks. Saw Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Adams and Kate Young. We walked home and stopped at Rice's and ordered ice cream for the Charities Aid meeting at our home on Friday. It had grown very cool I went up to Eddyville and fished until nearly 2 o'clock under the dam with a fly hoping to catch a shad as some were caught there a few days ago on a fly but I did not have a rise. It was a beautiful day and a pleasant place and although I was alone I enjoyed it. I utterly forgot that George Van Deusens funeral took place at 2 o clock today. I meant to have gone there. We had replies from three out of town members saying they would be present at the meeting on Friday. This has been a perfect day but it is sad here.

[[newspaper clipping]]
Freeman June 12. '88
The Late George N. VanDeusen.
The funeral of the late George N. VanDeusen, held this afternoon at the family residence on Fair street, Kingston, was largely attended by sympathizing relatives and friends. The sermon was preached by the Rev. S. D. Noyes. The interment was private. 
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Wednesday 13" My days here are uneventful, I go down town in the morning to the mail usually. Today I began a little picture of my mother from the Photograph Lucy sent me but my work is most unsatisfactory. I feel now that any work which is not directly from nature is vain and unsatisfying.

Thursday 14" It rained this morning for a while. I went up on the roof and cleared out all the gutters and the strainers over the leaders which had become clogged with the seeds from the Elm in front of the house which has become an annual nuisance. I dread this climbing about along the gutters and thought last year I would never do it again but some one has to do it and that some one is is usually me. This is the 5" anniversary of poor Maurices death.

Friday 15" We had the meeting of our branch of the State Charities Aid association at our house today. There were about 18 present, among them Miss Dorcas Hull a sister of Mrs. Halleck from Milton, Rev. Dr. Wortman from Saugerties, who knew Gifford and Mary and is a friend of Hubbards 

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