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presume through the committee in charge. 

Saturday June 30" 1888. Our father died a year ago this morning. That was a very hot day while today it is cool and breezy. I miss my father greatly, even more than I thought we would. While he lived, even in his feebleness I had a feeling of someone seeing and standing by me under all circumstances. Now I must stand alone. Lifes problems press upon me and to meet them I must act largely on my own judgement. Harry and I took a walk out to the hill above the tunnel near the high bridge.

Sunday July 1" 1888
The cool weather and the north wind continue. I wrote to Lucy to Yarell and to T. W. Wood on matters connected with the A.M.A. society and I also wrote to Mrs. Darley urging her to give the society for the sale everything of Darleys she possibly could. John McEntee came up to ask me to go for a drive. Just as I was about to get in the wagon Sam Coykendall came up the hill. He insisted on my not waiting as he was only going to stop for a short time. John told me that Sanderson who had spoken of our place had bought a place at Cornwall, that he would not have been likely to buy our place and bought the place at Cornwall in exchange. John thinks it unwise to attempt to press the sale of our place, that if we do it will not bring enough to satisfy the claims of the mortgage and my claim. I feel discouraged and fear it will be a long time before we will dispose of it and even when we do we will not get much for it. We drove out to Leggs Mills. It was so cool John wore his overcoat.

Monday 2 A note from Calvert proposing that he, John and I talked with Jones a real estate agent about advertising it &c. I went down town. The weather delightfully cool. A letter from Lucy Calvert came up by the evening train. 

Tuesday 3" Calvert and I went down to see John and had a formal meeting of the executors. On the way down in trying to explain my plans to Calvert he got impatient and was very unreasonable and irritating. I hope I will be nice enough henceforth not to attempt to advise with him in my affairs.

Monday 9" I have just returned from a weeks visit in the Kaatskills. Calvert, Mary, Sara and I were invited by Sara Coykendall for the week of July 4" to the Bear and Fox Inn which is a part of the scheme of the Hotel and Cottage Co of which Thurber, Sam, Mr. Cornell and the Wheelers are carrying out back of Tannersville. We went on Tuesday, Sara having sent us passes, intending to return on Thursday. Major Wilkinson and his wife, Weir & wife and his two daughters, Wheeler, Thurber, Judge Schumacher & wife Lily Frank, Bishop Potters two daughters and many others went up on the train with us. Carriages met us at Tannersvile and we were driven to the Inn which is nicely placed under the East side of Parker Mountain. We were lodged in the pretty cottages to the north of the hotel. The night of the 4" all the country people were invited to a dinner and there were fireworks. Calvert came away on the 5". Mary and Sara on the 6" and Weir and his family and I at the urgent solicitation of Mrs. Wheeler remained until today. We have had a pleasant time 

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