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to go to paint a picture of his cottage for him. I also wrote to Calvert to find out why he has not sent me back the deed of Emmits lot for which I sent to him to sign ten days ago. After dinner I went down town. Mrs. Cantine who returned from Nantucket last evening called Have been reading in the life of Scott which I find very interesting. He had the sense to keep out of quarrels with his literary companions and was a man of kindly disposition and apparently with little vanity in spite of his remarkable success. A postal card came from Alice telling us of Sara's arrival there on Monday evening about 7 O'Clock.

Thursday Sept. 6" 1888. It has been chilly in the house all day so that a fire would have been comfortable and which we had in the parlor in the evening. I went down town finding a letter from Sara and the deed for Emmit returned signed by Calvert. I took it to Girards office and he called Emmit in to where I read it and left it with [[strikethrough]] Emmit [[/strikethrough]] Girard. Emmit told me he is ready to pay the money. When I came up on the hill I went over to Chester St. and measured off his lot as nearly as I could. Sara is having a pleasant visit at Mrs. Sawyer's. Alice and Mrs. Sawyer were pleased with the articles of dear Gertrude I sent them. These belongings of hers were very precious to me but it seemed wisest to let them have them, as they can use them. Dear Gertrude. I think of her in this dear old home on days like this which herald the Autumn where we used to walk together after my days painting. I have no desire to paint now and days when I am unemployed as I have been much of today lonely feeling involuntarily comes over me. 

[[left margin]] Locating Emmits lot. [[/left margin]]
Friday 7"  Went down town in the morning. Very cool - frost in all directions but do not notice that any thing on the hill has been touched. A letter from Robt. Wilkinson asking me if I do not want to go to Bisby lake about Oct. 1" as he is going with a friend and hopes it will be past the time I want to get my sketch for Husted. Wrote him I would be delighted to go with him and would try to arrange for that time and would write him as soon as I heard from Genl. Husted. I saw Mr. Sears the City engineer and he agreed to come this afternoon at 3 oclock to run out the lot we have sold to Emmit. I went up to the City Hall for him and we worked there until after 6'oclock establishing points. He is to put a big iron bolt at the corner between us and the Wolfer property where I have marked "round Stone" on the map but 5 inches further South. This makes my memorandum on the map in reference to a stake near the corner of Chester & Trenton Sts, and which now reads ".. 5 ft from line of Chester St. but not on a line of Trenton St" and ".. 5 ft. from Chester St W. but 12 inches N. of Trenton St." Calvert came up this evening and Marion is to come tomorrow. Mary told me that they had invited Mrs. Donaldson to come up next week.

Saturday 8" It began to rain last evening and has rained all day. Tom and I made ready immediately after breakfast to burn out the chimnies, which we did, taking us until noon. We burned the sitting room chimney very effectively, which would not take fire two years ago. The dining room flue we could not quite although we made three separate attempts. There seemed no soot in it. I am greatly relieved that this is done for it is a job I always dread and have to attend to personally. Very damp and warmer this evening

Sunday 9" Yesterday and today was the anniversaries of the battles in the Mexican War of (I think) Chapultepec and Molino del Rey. It has been gray and warm all day. I went down to John McEntees after breakfast. He had gone out, Julia told me he had taken Nannie back to Middletown on Friday much against her wish She said he had to carry her to the Carriage, but it was the wisest thing to do. I have written to Sara. The annual experience of boys and grown men tormenting us by climbing the fences into the orchard is in full blast. I do not not know what to do but to keep away and try not to see it. Calvert returned to N.Y. this evening.

Monday 10" Wrote to Lucy before breakfast. Went down town. Received a letter from Mr. Dutton of Philadelphia "Will Dutton" who lived in Utica many years ago whose wife was an intimate friend of Gertrude. When I was 

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