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Macauley, although he never worked for money I am struck by the importance he justly placed on making provision for a competence and I felt a sensation of relief that by the time he returned from India he had secured it. Always after that he had a feeling of security and perfect independence which is indispensable to the happiness of every right minded man. I sometimes feel appalled when I consider how uncertain are even my small provisions for the years that may be left to me. 

Wednesday Sept 19" 1888. Have finished Macauley and begun his history of England. Helped Tom with the cisterns over at my house. He gave them each a coat of thick, fresh cement. It seems as though it should hold water now.

Thursday 20" The cisterns at my house half filled with the rain of last night but it has all run out again. I went down in them to see if I could discover the leak and as it has sunk in the original cistern just to the bottom of the iron pipe leading from the new cistern it seems probable the leak is in the pipe which is about 15 inches long and may have rusted through. So I made two plugs of brick which I cemented into the pipe, one from each cistern and plastered it well with fresh cement & sand half & half. Then we disconnected the pipe from the wood house to the new cistern and laid a drain of drain tile to conduct the water off past my outside studio but had it only partly done before it grew dark and threatened rain.
[[left margin]] Cisterns at my house [[/left margin]]

Friday 21 It rained gently during the night and poured this morning. The cistern seems to have a proper quantity of water in it. Mary returned last night by the Powell and brought Ellen up with her as Julia's nurse. Mrs. Palmer left this morning. 

Saturday 22" Went down town and found a letter from Lucy. Gertrude had had a more severe illness then at any time while she has been there. She was greatly troubled. Jim her Chinaman in the midst of her troubles announced that he was obliged to sail for China this month and she is coming home and thought she would leave John and Jamie so comfortable with him to look after them. While she was worrying over this a telegram came from Joe Tomkins announcing that he would be there the next day. She will write again in a day or two. I went over to my house. The cistern has not leaked since my treatment. I went down in the new one and dipped out, with Tom to draw it up, the surface water which ran in yesterday when we put the stone in place and sealed it with cement and Tom covered it up. Then I rigged a rope up on the carriage house roof to support myself with and went over the N. side and put in all the shingles I could find over the worst places. There were not enough however but I found a few in the garret and went up again after dinner. I fear I shall have to get more shingles, but I know now how to get at the roof without risking falling. Sara seemed a little discouraged this evening which made me feel a little so. I think she can't help realizing at times how unsettled our plans are and how difficult with our limited means, it is to keep this house in order and how liable we are to have all our arrangements changed by others.

Sunday 23" The sun shone brightly this morning with the promise of a fine day but it soon became cloudy and it has been grey and chilly all day with a North wind. I think the continued cloudy weather is depressing and I have felt a little melancholy all day and prone to look on the shadowy side of every thing. I wrote to John Andrews this forenoon as Lucy may have started for here before my letter reaches there. Jane Goetchins came up just after dinner and has 

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