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Lehigh Valley Railroad. The rain cleared before noon and the ride became very enjoyable, particularly along the Lehigh and over the mountains to the valley of the Susquehanna, which from the summit, with a foreground of rich autumnal foliage was most inviting. I was surprised at the populousness of the Valley, the numerous turns, and the extent of the coal mining. We passed Mud Run on the Lehigh where the frightful rail road accident occurred only a few days before, but not a vestige of the wreck could be seen. I arrived at Wyalusing a little after 4 in a hard shower which the train had just ran into. Mr. Wells was at the station to meet me with a team and drove to the house where Mrs. Wells met me most cordially and said she supposed Mr. Wells had told me of the illness of their eldest son. I told her he had not and expressed my regret that they had not telegraphed me not to come as I had proposed in my letter if it were in any way inconvenient, but she said it would make no difference except that she would not be able to see as much of me as she hoped to. I feel somewhat embarrassed I confess but they were so cordial that it reassured me. When I told Mr. Wells he should have informed me and he said "I was not going to stop you. I wanted a visit from your Father and Mother and I put it off for a more convenient time and they never came and I have always regretted it" The house was a substantial brick one with four large rooms and with an expression of comfort and domesticity. I found Mr. Wells so deaf I could not talk with him as much as I wished to but the daughters of whom there were four and one son beside the sick one, were very agreeable and intelligent. I perhaps saw most of Miss Margaret the third daughter, I should say, a blonde The eldest, Virginia was much of the time attending on her brother. I was worried to know what Mr. Wells really wanted me to paint, but I think I finally comprehended him. He wants a picture of mine and if I could find some of that scenery which I liked he would like that. We took a ride to a point he seemed to like particularly, on Wednesday, with a fine sun down the valley. I suggested that I thought it would compose better further down and we drove on until we came to a point from which I feel I could make a picture and we settled upon that. We drove on a little further but it began to rain and we returned and the rest of the day was storming. He told me he was obliged to go to Dushore next day, where he had been suddenly called on business, but he had arranged to send me down to where I wanted to make my sketch next morning. He hoped he would be gone only a day but could not tell and wished me to stay as long as I could, but I told him I was anxious to get home as I had many things to attend to and if I succeeded with my sketch would return next day. Thursday morning promised to be fine although cool and rather windy. The man drove me down directly after breakfast and I went to work. The spot where I sat was an exposed one, but I put on my over coat and managed to keep tolerably comfortable. I worked rapidly and steadily from 9 till 1 by which time I got a pretty good sketch. The man came for me at 12 and I was nearly frozen and was glad to drive 

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