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headstone at Father and Mothers graves. The geese are flying, they rest untroubled and unvexed by all the problems which worry and wary us. This evening Sara and I went to a surprise party at Peter Phillips the occasion being the 40th anniversary of their marriage. The people there were mostly from the hill and were 37 in number. I went reluctantly and came away gladly. I have no taste for those things I regret to say and would not have gone but to show my respect to a neighbor.

Friday Nov. 2" 1888. Again the anniversary of our marriage and my mothers death. Lucy and I talked of her this evening as we sat in the sitting room before the lamp was lighted and dwelft upon the great change her death has made in our household. When I realize the absence of the dear ones who were so a part of our lives an overwhelming sadness comes over me and life seems very sorrowful and the daily duties hardly worth the doing. Sedgwick came up in the evening from N.Y. and as there was to be a great Republican parade this evening I went up to the train to meet him. The train was nearly an hour late and meanwhile special trains arrived with people for the parade making the greatest confusion I was fortunate to find him in the crowd and had taken precautions to secure a cab and we drove down through the procession. Meanwhile Sara and Lucy were waiting for me to go down to Sam Coykendalls to see the procession pass from a stand he had had erected on his grounds. Mrs. Coykendall was here at lunch and invited us. We all went down together and were in time. Mr & Mrs. Clearwater were there and we had a fine view of the parade which was 35 minutes in passing. Lams and the mayors grounds were lighted up with Chinese lanterns and colored fire and the men in the parade carrying torches made a brilliant spectacle. The street was crowded with spectators and the crowd was most respectable and orderly in sharp contrast, it was said with the Democratic mob which [[strikethrough]] said with the [[/strikethrough]] turned out when Governor Hill was here. I am getting too heated on political subjects and must be more tolerant, but it is a positive pain to me to see any of our family going with that disreputable party as Calvert and his Sons and Andrews do. Bonyer was here a short time today on his way home having been at Kingston on business and I expressed my disappointment of his determination to vote for Cleveland in pretty square terms. Mary sent me by Sedgwick last night some weak fur trade campaign documents Mr. Cranch gave her to send to me

Saturday 3. It rained all forenoon but cleared in the afternoon I was on my knees all day assorting apples, and this evening am sore and tired. There seems no end to the apples. Now what to do with them and the refuse ones. I am sure I do not know

Sunday 4" A beautiful, still day. Sedgwick and I walked over to Charter St. They get on very slowly with the grading and the curbing. John McEntee and Julia dined with us. John let Sedgwick go down and get this horse to ride. We read in Robert Elsmere in the evening. Certainly so far it is to me most commonplace in style and incident, but we are only half through the first part. I wrote to Mary today and to Mr. Cranch in reply to his fur trade document 

Transcription Notes:
This is the first time I've ever done this. Please look over and check areas I could not understand in the letter. Thank you Pls read instructions, use [[?]] for unknown words, 5/20 - 3 [[?]]s ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 12:49:25 .