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Monday Nov 5" 1888. Down town and got my tickets for the election tomorrow and a set for Tom who says he wants to vote the Republican ticket. Tried to sell the apples but could not. Went to see Myron Teller about sending them to N.Y. but concluded it would not be wise. A man advised me to keep them until toward spring which I finally concluded to do. I spoke to Teller about Mrs. Romer buying our place as I heard she wanted to buy a place, but he did not commit himself in any way. When I got home "Bosch" a man Enoch Carter spoke to me about came up and I sold him all the apples not in barrels but selected which I estimated at 25 bbls for $25. Then I sold him four barrels in the barrels, he to return the barrels for $4. and all the refuse cider apples for $5. $34 in all. I thought this doing very well in view of the fact that farmers over in Esopus will not pick their apples as there is no market for them. His man came up later and I sold him a pile of refuse apples outside which had been overlooked for 1.75. It looks a little threatening for tomorrow. The canvas has been better and I will be glad when the election is over. The bitterest ones have been the Republicans who have gone over to the Democrats.

Tuesday 6" Election day. Good weather - grey but mild. I voted directly after breakfast and went with Tom to see him deposit a straight Republican vote. When I came back Tom and I put up a ladder and I went up and cleaned out the leaves from the gutters on the house. I found the old roof on the main part very rotten. It looks as though it would not last the winter. Sedgwick went back to N.Y. to his school this afternoon and Lucy went with him to have her teeth attended to. "Bosch" is putting his apples in barrels. The event proves I made a very good sale of the apples. Mrs. Lamont Smith was here a part of the day and dined with us. She told me that Genl. Smiths nephews who have a farm on the river in Flat=bush got $3.75 per barrel for their best Newtown Pippins. They pick them and take them to the barn and the buyer selects them. They are sent to England. Election returns were received at Liscomb Opera house this evening. I went down and remained there until after 1 o'clock. The indications were that Harrison had carried N.Y. by a good majority.
Wednesday 7" The Tribune fears the defeat of Warner Miller by Demagogue Hill but the result is in doubt. All indications go to show the election of Harrison. I went down town to get news but got little additional to the Tribune news. Miller at latest accounts is said to be elected but the contest is very close.
Thursday 8" Sara had her breakfast at 6.30 and was ready to start for Kerhonkson by 7 but the weather looked so threatening the horse did not come. She sent Tom down for it and left about 7.30. She is to take Mrs Oresbagh with her and they are going to look after some of the children from the Industrial Home. Yesterday she and were down town to see about a little waif whom we want to send West by the Childrens Aid Society but we could not find him. Today the election of Harrison and Morton is conceded even by the Democrats, this state having given them from 10 to 13 thousand majority. Every northern state gave them majorities except New=Jersey about 5000 for Cleveland and Connecticut a few hundreds. Miller is defeated by Hill over 10,000 a disgrace to this great slate. Even Delaware has a Republican majority on joint ballot in the Legislature and will therefore send a Republican senator for the first time in her history, in place of Salsbury. I have made a bargain with Mantustock to put a new roof on the main part of the house and have bought the shingles of Turck 15000 at 5.50c Gibbs planed fine shingles, the very best Mantustock is to lay them and furnish the nails at 50c a bunch
[[left margin]] Put on double windows today [/left margin]]                                                   

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