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Solomon Brown was buried today - I sent my semi annual dues to the Century today.

Thursday November 15" 1888. It began to rain in the night and has rained steadily all day with the wind from the N. I saw it stated today that in twenty five years the earth had not been so soaked and saturated as it now is. It seems to rain half the time. Of course the carpenters did not come and shingling was suspended for the day. I put on my rubber coat and went down town after lunch having answered Mr. Welles' letter. No communication from the Rev. Mr. Prendergast today, which under the circumstances I hardly expected. Have read in "Marius the Epicurean" today and this evening "Robert Elsmere". Sara had a letter from Tom McEntees wife yesterday in which she said Ernest and his wife had been there and that possibly they might come here.

Friday 16" Threatening weather with more rain in the afternoon and evening. I repainted the ridge boards of the roof which have not yet been put up and the paint not having dried which I put on them. The carpenters did not come. "The Twenty Question" Club met here this evening. Dr & Mrs. Van Slyke, Mr & Mrs. John Forsyth Kitty and Ella Forsyth, Miss Shufeldt, Mrs. Livingston, Mr. Clark, Mr Cross, Frank Waters & Mr & Mrs Cantine. They came in a large covered wagon and it was raining. The subject was Sir Walter Scott and the subject was handled with the usual erudition of such occasions. We had a pleasant evening and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Saturday 17" I feel somewhat depressed this morning. Our preparations for the winter are nearly all made and I begin to think of going to N.Y. for the winter. I do not look forward to it with cheerfulness. If I had my choice I would stay here. I have a feeling that my day has gone by and I should like henceforth to be able to acknowledge it and to live a quiet life in the country. It has grown colder and wintry weather is reported in the west. The carpenters have not been here today. After lunch I went down to the root cellar and got four or five heads of cabbage and made a butter tub of sauerkraut down in the lower kitchen. I consequently showed it to old Mr. Gronemeyer, a gunman who said it was all right but rather marveled at the small quantity.

Saturday 18". The mercury at 20° this morning. I have written to Booth. We dined at Girards and he and I walked over to Chester St. They get on slowly with the grading. It was very chilly.

Monday 19. Another day of rain. The earth seems soaked and it rains more than half the time. I want Mrs. Cassidy to clean my room and have it ready for me directly after Thanksgiving. Lucy came in the afternoon in the rain. Sara and went to Mrs. Hess' to tea in Kingston in company with the Cantines. The Clearwaters were there and we had a very pleasant evening. It did not rain but was very muddy and foggy. 

Thursday 20. I wrote a short letter to Mary.  The carpenters came today to finish the shingling. Clear and cold with a brisk N. wind. Girard and Mary dined with us and also Ettie Lane who arrived on a visit to them this afternoon. I had a letter from Janette

Wednesday 21 very cold, the mercury at 10. I was so ill and dizzy this morning that I had to go back to bed two or three times before I was able to cheer myself. Had a disagreeable complication from the sale of a few corn stalks from the garden arising from my  

Transcription Notes:
Extremely difficult to read and follow. I typed what I was able to read after a long time. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 13:06:50 - resume transcribing at Saturday 17" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 16:03:05 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 23:10:49 . ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-23 07:25:21