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Thursday Nov. 29" 1888. Thanksgiving day. Grey and still with occasional rain or mist. We sat in the house all day, Mary, Sara Lucy and I. We had our dinner at 5:30 we four with Sedgwick and James McEntee. We had invited Girard and Mary but little Girard was not well and they sent word they would not come. Just before we sat down to Dinner Julia Dillon came up having had her dinner alone. John had driven up to Clermont. The new stove seems to work admirably being so easily regulated.

Friday 30. The last day of the most unpleasant Autumn as regards the weather I ever remember. Was down town this forenoon and paid for the hall stove $35 and also the express charges $1. in a barrel of apples sent to Mrs. Louise Broadhead at Dobbs Ferry. Have finished "Notre Dame" This evening attended the second meeting of the Questions club at John Forsyths instead of Mr. Clarks. Archbishop Land was the subject. Our ideas are rather crude it seems to me and what we say has very little thorough knowledge behind it.

Saturday December 1" 1988.
Sara and I walked up to Kingston to call on Mrs. Hess. We found her ill and did not see her. It was cold with the wind from N.W and we were cold walking. Sara, Mary, Lucy and I took tea at John McEntee's with him and Julia and passed a very pleasant evening. I have been getting my things together to go to N.Y. tomorrow night.

Sunday 2" Clear and colder. Lucy, Sedgwick and I left for N.Y by the 7:45 P.M. train and arrived in N.Y. about 11, having been detained at least half an hour passing around the West Point tunnel which is not yet completed. They went to Marys, whom we left at Rondout with Sara, and I came to my room which I found clean, but in confusion, no carpet down, cold and dismal but I lighted the fire and did not get to bed until 1 oclock.

Monday 3. Went up to the Grand Central station directly after breakfast and gave the checks for my trunks to Jackson but they did not reach me until evening and then were left down stairs as I was not here. Meanwhile I busied myself getting my studio carpet down and putting things in their places, but was hampered by the non arrival of my baggage. Lucy and Sedgwick came over in the evening and we went over to the house together where I spent the evening. 

Tuesday 4. Snowing this morning but soon cleared. Found a cordial letter from Booth offering to send me his box. I have written him for 2 seats and to say I would like the box later. Find I have left one of my trunk keys at home. Have ordered the two canvases for Husteds and Mrs. Welles' pictures. Had a locksmith come and open my trunk. Escorted Lucy over to Jersey City to the train for Wilmington. Whittredge came to see if I will accept the appointment as one of the committee of selection for works of art for the Paris Exposition. He has accepted. I do not want to but he urges it. I can see no good in showing our work in Paris. Personally I have no interest in it, but am considering it. Sedgwick came to my studio from school and we walked over to the house together. In the evening he and I went up to the American Institute. The exhibit seemed to me about what it was last year. 

Wednesday 5 Ordered my frames today for the Husted and the Welles pictures. Robbins came to see me to urge me to accept the appointment on the Jury for Art for Paris exposition. He had by request of some of the

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-20 16:27:43 [[underlined]] not required, old instructions, too many [[?]]s to have been marked complete, pls read instructions, not more than 2[[?]], corrections, filled in blanks, corrected names 5/21: Corrected names (Sedgwick, Whittredge and others were misspelled) and typos; resolved last remaining question. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 21:48:12