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Council of the Academy written me at Rondout to urge me to accept I have finally, very reluctantly, decided to accept and have written Rush Hawkins to that effect. Have painted today on a little picture I painted a year ago. I neglected to put into my note ordering canvases from Devoe yesterday a sample and today a boy called to get it. This is an unfortunate delay as I am anxious to get to work on them. Booth sent me two seats for tomorrow night to see Othello. He as Iago - Barrett as Othello. 

Thursday Dec. 6" I painted on a small picture of Deans Corner. My two canvases came and I immediately went to work on Genl. Husteds picture and have got it well laid in. I received a letter from him this evening wanting me to send it to him on the 22. Mary and I went to see Booth and Barret in Othello, Booth as Iago. It was a most finished and masterly performance. I have seen Booth in that character many times but he never played it with more subtlety and power. Barrett was good as Othello and the Desdemona (Miss Gale) remarkably good. She is a new name to me. I went to Booth's dressing room twice and saw him and Barrett for a short time as he is on the stage most of the time. He looked well and I was very glad to see him for I have deep in my heart a warm affection for him. 

Friday 7"  Painted on Husteds picture. Went around to the club in the evening and saw Collins for a short time

Saturday 8". Painted until time to take the train and went home by the 4 o clk train. Owing to the transfer around West Point tunnel I did not reach home until after 8'o clock, and it had rained a little. Found Sara alone. Mrs. Davis had been with her until today assisting her with some comfortables.

Sunday 9. Snowed all day but it melted rapidly. We sat before the fire and enjoyed the storm. I can't help the thought that we are enjoying our last days in the old house. I try not to dwell upon it but I feel very unsettled and troubled when I do. I went down to see John McEntee for a short time. Girard told me Griffiths had spoken to him about keeping his horse and cow in our stable. I came back to N.Y. by the 7.45 train which was 20 minutes late at Kingston and I did not reach my room until midnight where I found the fire had gone out and I had to build it up taking me until 1 o'clk.

Monday 10" Booth sent me his box on Saturday for Tuesday for 6. I wrote a note to Bowyers wife asking her and Bowyer to share it. Came to my room and found the work had not been done. I went down to Rogers, Peet & Co, taking the overcoat I got there last March which they were willing to take back at the price I gave $25. I exchanged it for a lighter coat for $42 and paid them the balance $17.

Tuesday 10 Rained hard most of the day. I went to the bank for Lucy to get a check cashed and later she came for it. It was raining hard and she had to go out to get some articles. Have painted most of the day on Husteds picture. Church came in about 4 'oclock. He wants me to go to Mexico with him in Jan. Mrs. Church cannot go as her eyes trouble her. He offers to pay all of my expenses of every kind and wants besides to have me paint him a small picture for $250, and will be most grateful if 
[[left margin]] R.5 [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
5/21 - 2 [[?]]s 5/21 - resolved both questions and corrected typos. Rogers, Peet & Co - a men's clothing store in NY ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 22:02:40