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figures in Husteds picture but I get on slowly with it. Called at Fred Nortons this evening. He seems very poorly and looks old and broken. I called at Fred Nortons this evening and saw him, Annie and his sister Mrs. Curtis. He is very miserable and looks old and wan. It is very cold.

Friday Dec. 13" 1888. Bitterly cold. I am wondering if Sara can keep warm with the new hall stove. Sedgwick is going up with the 4 o'clock train today and I expect to go with the 11 oclock, tomorrow. I have been painting all day on Mr. Welles picture and am getting it well along. I hope I shall be able to send it to him before Christmas. Called on the Churches at the Brevoort. They are both pretty poorly. He wants me to go to Mexico with him and says he cannot go if I do not. I told him much as I would like to it was impossible, but he says he will see me again on Monday

Saturday 14" Went home by the 11.30 train. It was a bright beautiful day but very cold. I drove down from the station in a cab. Lucy was very busy getting ready to leave for Fort Bridger on the 8.40 train. Mr. Lamont Smith and Mrs. Haywood were there and Mrs. Cantine came in. The cab came for her promptly at 8.20 and took her two trunks and Lucy, Sedgwick, Sara, Jimmy McEntee and me up to the station. The train was half an hour late owing to the tunnel transfer. We saw her in the sleeping car and the next thing she was gone to the great sorrow of all of us. We felt we have hardly seen her but she is needed at home, and parting is the daily trial in this life. Sedgwick bore the separation very bravely. We all walked down.

Sunday 15. Sedgwick, Jimmy and I walked over to the Roatina where they skated for an hour. There were a number on the pond, and a little of last Sundays snow still lingers. We got back about 1 o clock and had our dinner at 4. I talked with Sara about going to Mexico and to my surprise she not only made no objection but thought it would be well for me to go. She wanted me to think of it carefully but was inclined to think it a good opportunity. Sedgwick and I came down this evening, and did not get to our rooms until midnight. The winter quiet at home is most soothing to me and one dread of going away is that I will miss that. I am greatly troubled to know how to decide. 

Monday 16" Raining violently. [[strikethrough]] Went [[/strikethrough]] Talked with Calvert & Mary about Mexico. They both are rather inclined to advise me to go. I went to Vantines and got a present for Tom & Minnie and to Johnstons in 14" St where I got scarfs for Katy and Tracy and coming to my room went to work to finish Husteds picture. Spent the evening at Marys. 
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Tuesday 17" Colder and clear. Sedgwick had a note from his mother at Buffalo where she arrived in ample time for her train to Chicago. I went down the Bowery and bought some tools for Sedgwick and for Jimmy and stopped in at Dennings and got a tooth powder for Sara. Church came and we talked about the Mexican trip. I told him one consideration which was important to me was that I sacrificed my income for the winter. He admitted the force of it but thought I would work a good deal then. I finally told him I would like to think of it for a while and am to write to him in about a week 

Transcription Notes:
5/20 - 1 [[?]] all done Questions resolved; also corrected the repeated misspelling of Sedgwick and Jimmy ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 22:46:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 23:25:00 .