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Friday Dec. 28" 1888. Painted on my picture all forenoon and improved it. Mr. Wm Hubbard, his wife and sister in law came over this afternoon and Whittredge and I went to Hubbard room with them; and looked over some of his studies rather hurriedly. We found more than we expected to but in a very neglected state. We advised them to keep the room until our committee made their selection of what they would sell. He has had a new lock put on the door and given the keys to Whittredge and me. I went to the theatre with Alice. We saw Booth in the Fools Revenge, a powerful piece of acting. He was called out three or four times at least with cheers. We also saw Barrett in "Yoricks Love" which was well acted. The house was crowded and intensely interested. Booth sent me the tickets this forenoon but the seats were far back. 

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Saturday 29" Went to the dentists. Came to my room and wrote notices of a meeting of the "A.M.A" to all the members and sent them Alice and Mrs Banning came before noon bringing Dr. Freer a brother of the artist, Mrs. Joy and her two daughters. I have not seen Mrs. Joy for many years. She looked well but older. Thought I looked well and asked me how old I was. I told her I did not tell any more but she pushed me and when I said I was past 60 she would hardly believe me. Said Mr. Joy who is 65 looks and is feeble. I was very glad to see an old and intimate friend of dear Gertrude. Downing and I went to the Academy of Music to see Denman Thompson in the Old Homestead. His acting was an excellent study of character - an old New = Hampshire farmer. The great building was filled and I understand it is so every night. We went to the club after the play. 

Sunday 30. I awoke not feeling very well, more than usually conscious of my infirmity. After breakfast I came to my room and began a little picture for the Darley fund and worked all day. My work gives me no pleasure and sometimes I cant help giving way to a discouraged feeling. I am beginning to think my attack last year has really interfered with my perceptive faculties. I do not seem as interested in National effects nor in Art as I ought to be and all effort is a trouble to me. I have to drive myself to work when I used to go with alacrity. Marion and I went up to see Bowyer and Agnes this evening, and found them very snug in their little apartment. I wrote to Sara today.

Monday 31" There is something very significant in the recording the events of the very last day of the year, for although the years and every day the flight of time is not so startlingly brought home to us as it is in the ending of the Calender year. It rained a little this morning. I was surprised by a visit from Lily French and Miss Irene Weir. Lily is looking for a place having lost her situation on the Star and was on her way to Harpers. She looked very pretty but has grown stout and said the stairs seemed longer than they once did. She asked me to come and see her. I told her I thought of going to Mexico and she advised me not to refuse so good an opportunity. Whittredge brought Mr. Vernon to my room who owns the Kensett picture in Hubbards room. I had a letter from Sara telling me that Mrs Cantine asked if our place was to rent and wishing us to give her the referral if it were for her sister. She seems to have taken a great fancy to our hill and perhaps we might sell to them. I dont know what to say. Sara is inclined if Julia and Harry would come there for the summer, to go on just as we have been 

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