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[[newspaper clipping]] 
Same to Andrew Heacon, s e cor 7th-ave and 130th-st, 6 months, $1,700.
Same to John J Hughes, n e cor Southers Boulevard and 185th-st, 6 months, $2,782.
Same to George M Manchester and another, s w cor 7th-ave and 132d-st, 6 months, $3,160
Otto Wessel et al to John Preissinger and wife, s s 45th-st, e of 10th-ave, 1 year, $7,000.
Samuel O Wright and wife to Reuben Ross, n s 121st-st, e of 6th-ave, 6 months, $5,000.
Thomas J Walso to Julius Lipman and another, n s 30th-st, w of 3d-ave, 6 months, $35,000.
Oreon Steamers.
From New-York, pier foot of Canal-st., N.R.
For San Francisco via the Isthmus of Panama.
NEWPORT sails Thursday, January 10, noon.
From San Francisco, 1st and Brannan sts.,
For Chile and [[?]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Tuesday Jan. 1" 1889.
I went to the inauguration of the "Players" last night. I have been made a member and I am to present the club with the Boughton picture which as I understand it, Booth has given me permission to do. We were invited at 11 o clock and only members were to be there. I have pasted in the account of the opening from the Tribune. The house is charming and the occasion was a most interesting one. I never saw Booth appear to greater advantage than in the act of bestowing this princely gift. I remained until 2 o c'k and then came away reluctantly. I spoke to Chas Fisher and to an old actor by the name of Connor who looked remarkably like Henry Clay. There were many people there I knew - Stedman, Alden Weir, Aldrich, Wm Winter, Whitelaw Reid, Brayton Ives, Whitehall and many others. Among the actors & managers Augustus Daly, Palmer, Gilbert, Lewis, Salvine Jr. and many I did not recognize. It was a most interesting occasion and I am glad Booth was so kind as to arrange for me to be there. Today I have been at work in my room painting on the pictures for Darley and for Hubbards sales. I wrote to Mary last evening and this morning I had a letter from Sedgwick. I have also written to Church. It has been a bright, sunny day.

Wednesday 2" Painted all day until 4 o'clock. Miss Durfee came and wanted an introduction to Booth and when I hesitated she seemed offended. She wants him to look at some statue or some thing of that sort. We had a meeting of the "A. M. A." in Woods room at 4. We decided to have the Hubbard sale at the same time as the Darley sale, and appointed a committee to take charge of his sketches &c. Elected Edgar M. Ward in Hubbards place. I dined at the Bannings in the Bella with Alice. They have the apartment Tiffany had. It is large and very elegant. I went to the dentists in the morning and he finished with me for the present as I sent him a check for his bill $20. which was very reasonable.

Thursday 3" Painting all day trying to get my pictures ready for the Darley and Hubbard sales, but my work does not please me. Whether it is that I am absorbed in other things or lack the stimulus of new subjects I know that my work is not to me what it ought to be. Beard came in for a while. He too is growing old and I think begins to feel it. Sedgwick came over after school. I think he feels home sick and came to me for a little comfort. He is a most lovable boy and I am very fond of him. Alice and Bowyer were at dinner. They went away early, Marian went to bed and I came away a little after 9 and not feeling in the mood for calling or going to the club I came to my room. 

Friday 4" Sara came down this morning and came to my room. Booth sent me three tickets for the play tonight. I gave mine to Sedgwick and he and Sara and Marion went. I called on Mrs. Anderson and Miss Nesmith. I got half a ton of coal today expecting to go away Feb. 1" Stedman sent me a very cordial letter of introduction  

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