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to Senora Bartlett van Grümer of Taunboya a suburb of the City of Mexico. She was the subject of his Diamond Wedding in which he satirized her unmercifully many years ago but now they are warm friends

Saturday Jan 5" 1889. It has rained all day and I have painted uninterruptedly a little picture of the view looking up the creek from beyond the Cemetery for Miss Crispell. Wood came in and saw it and liked it. I spent the evening with Sara, Marion & Downing Calvert and Mary both being in Baltimore. 

Sunday 6" It rained all night and the N.E. storm dashed violently against my window keeping me awake a part of the time. It has rained and is still raining at midnight. Sara and I dined with Bowyer and Agnes very pleasantly in their snug little apartment and they came down with us to supper with Marion to meet Mr. Wheeler who went abroad with Downing. At 9 o'clock I went up to Stedmans in the rain and took him the little sketch I made for him last winter with which he seemed pleased. I met many interesting people there among them a son of Will Dutton, Gertrudes friend, a very agreeable man. I also met Mr & Mrs Janvier who have been in Mexico, know Church and were delighted to know I was going there with him as they had just received a letter from him saying he had indeed an old friend to accompany him. I was introduced to a very pretty lady but could not learn her name who had an esthetic young English girl in charge, dressed in cinnamon and sickly greens which looked as though they had been tossed on her and some had caught and some had not. She seemed rather gushing and I invited them to come to my studio. The pretty woman thought she had met me before and said I looked like Henry George but Stedman said "like Genl. Grant." I also meet a Miss Monroe a very pretty young woman and what flattered me not a little was the fact that they all knew me by reputation. I had a very pleasant time and got to my room at midnight in the rain

Monday 7" Still rainy and unsettled but clearing towards evening. Have painted all day. At 5 o clock went to Mrs. Wheeler & Doras reception where I saw only a few people I knew. Mrs Brace, Mrs Mattie Brown, Emma Brace, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Sewell neé Amanda Brewster. I did not stay long. In the evening I attended a reception by Benjamin Constant to the Artists at the Branch house of Goupil & Co cor. 5" Av & 31" St. to see his picture for the Salon of 89 "Le Jour de funeraille" He had some other interesting pictures and portraits, one of a lady beautifully painted but with too much brow and smile. He seemed a very agreeable man. Edgar Ward introduced me to him and talked French for me. We had beer and sandwiches in an upper room and Tom