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Moran proposed his health to which he responded "Aux Artistes d'Amerique" The Artists were mostly of the new generation but I met Miller, Bricker, P. P. Ryder, Moran and Ward and had a pleasant evening. I wish I could talk French well enough to warrant my making his acquaintance.

Tuesday Jan 8" 1889 Painted all day. Wrote to Mr. Welles that I would send his picture today. A letter from Mrs. Darley saying she had sent on Darleys sketches &c. I took Sara and Marion to see the Verestchagin [[Vereshchagin]] pictures in the evening. There was a throng of people there all the galleries being crowded at one time. Sam Coykendall called for a few minutes to say I might have his picture for the Paris Exposition. Gell of Springfield called and I agreed to let him have a picture 15x18 called Indian Summer for his exhibition to nett me $200.

Monday 9 Another N.E. rain and too dark to paint to advantage. I painted a little and did various things, among others mended dear Gertrudes little writing desk which is filled with little mementoes of her. I went around to the Cemetery in the evening and had a pleasant chat with Edgar Ward, R. S. Gifford and Perry mostly on pictures. My picture went to Mr. Welles today.

Thursday 10" I went to a reception this afternoon at Mrs. Dyers with Alice, Sara, Marion and Helen Rood to meet Mrs. Joy and her two daughters. I had not seen Mrs. Dyer in many years and she had aged very much. I met Mr. Meyer the engineer on 5" Avenue this afternoon. He looked really feeble and yet it seems not a long time ago that I knew him as a young man. Still it was forty years ago. In the evening Marion, Sara, Alice and I went to a concert of the Metropolitan Musical Society in the opera House which was entirely filled with people and all the tickets were complimentary. I stopped at the Club on my way to my studio to get some oysters

Friday 11. Have begun a picture 15x18 of some birches drawings of which I made out at Seagers. Church came in. They have shut up their house and will be at the Brevoort until we leave for Mexico. He was very lame and stiff. I talked with him about details of our trip. I sent the check for our taxes today $396. Cranch came while Church was here. He asked about my studio and I told him I would let it to May 1st for $400 but he said that was more than he could afford. Church asked me to dine with them but I accepted conditionally as Sara and Alice dine at Fred Nortons and I have to take them home, but did finally go there. Mr & Mrs Jarvis dined with us. Church did not go down to the dining room as he dines in the middle of the day but after dinner we had ices and coffee in their room and Church made some coffee from some Mexican coffee which is considered very fine 1200 lbs of which he has bought. Mr Jarvis showed some old maps of Mexico and a more recent one of Guadalaxara to which place the rail road has just been opened and which is one of the oldest cities of Mexico. A little after 9 I went around to Nortons and after a short stay took Sara and Alice home.

Transcription Notes:
I wasn't able to read much of the first small paragraph so it has not been transcribed at all (now done) 5/21 - all done, 2 [[?]]s 5/22 - 1 [[?]] remaining ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 12:19:23 . ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-24 13:48:08