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her. I believe it is finally settled that she is to go tomorrow morning. Sara has paid her for her month to June 12th and for the month Sara was in N.Y. The new servant is to come tomorrow at 9 o'clock. Sara asked Katy to stay until tomorrow but she dressed herself and went off over towards my house to stay at Toms I presume. How absurd is the whole performance. She has done what she gave Sara warning she intended to do and after five years of service here she has gone off feeling hostile to Sara who has been kind and considerate to her and attended her in illness. I think however she is quite as vexed with herself as she is with Sara. I went down and spent an hour this evening with Cantine and Miss Sheffield. It is the first time I have been in the house since Mrs. Cantines death. I missed her from her little home she was so much attached to. Her sister dressed in black sat in her accustomed place. It seems so strange to me to think she is gone forever. John McEntee and Julia spent last evening with us. It has not yet cleared and looks as though it may rain in the night. 

Wednesday May 22" 1889. We missed Katy at breakfast as it took all hands, the little girl Christina, Sara and myself to get the breakfast which was not a shining success. The new girl came about 9 o'clock. Her name too is Katy and she seemed so bright and bustling it just gave us heart. I went down town, saw John McEntee who signed the deed for Mrs. Gregorys lot which Calvert returned with his signature. I also got a note from Ward in answer to one I wrote him asking for some suggestions about a soldiers monument. His views accord with my own in the main as I was quite sure they would. I walked up to Kingston to get seats for Barnums Circus, but found they will not be on sale until the day of the show. I paid for 2 for myself and 4 for John and they said they would secure them for me and I walked back again stopping at the cemetery where I saw the cover had not been removed from dear Gertrudes head stone and the grass needed cutting. When I got home Sara who was putting down the carpet in what we call Mary's room told me the new girl had said she could not stay as she could not stand a basement kitchen and I know not what. After consulting over it Sara wishes I would go down and see Katy Doolan and try to induce her to return. I did so but she declined as she said Sara had hurt her feelings by her haste to have her leave. I exausted all the agreements I was master of but to no purpose and came back. At present life does not seem worth living. The aspect one gets of it chiefly depends upon the cook I find. I went over to the cemetery and took Tom along who mowed the grass while I dug about the phloxes on dear Gertrudes and Mothers graves and set out some morning glory plants on Fathers and Maurices and gave the place a more cared for look. I also took off the cover from Gertrudes head stone and gave it to Post to take care of until winter. It seems only a little while since I put it on for the winter. Now we are trying to be calm hoping the new girl will become reconciles as she gets better used to her surroundings. She is bright and intelligent and generally agreeable although young and inexperienced. It was so cool tonight I built a little fire in the sitting room.

Thursday 23" Like an October day. I have put on my winter clothes and last night I slept under as much clothing as in winter. Our new Katy continues to be homesick and we are on the "ragged 

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5/22 - 2 [[?]]s 5/23 - 1 [[?]] remains ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-23 00:31:08