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Saturday July 6" 1889. Another perfect day with clear rich atmosphere and delightful temperature. I went down town as I do every morning and got a very nice friendly letter from Weir from whom I have not heard in a long time. When I came back I went over to my studio and got my sketch box in order and after dinner began a study of the garden with the holly hocks, which are very pretty now, in the fore-ground and the orchard in the back-ground. I sat near the old cherry tree near the wood-house and before I began my work I noticed that the drain from the house had become clogged and ran out where I sat. There is a disagreeable job in store for me. I worked until 5 o' clock and shall work on it again. I am happy when I am busy but a nameless dread hangs over me as soon as I am unemployed.

Sunday 7" A calm and serene day. I have written to Lucy and to John Weir besides a note to Phillips and Wills to tell them I do not care to advertise any further at present. Ben Foster came up in the forenoon to tell us Annie Lee had arrived and would be glad to see us at any time. I took him down to the barn and showed him the study of the garden I had begun and then we went over to my studio where I showed him my Mexican Studies. After dinner I went down to Johns to call on Annie Lee. The house was open but no one about. I sat down in the piazza and after a little Annie happened down and was surprised to find me there. She has been ill and is still but she looked very well. We went into the parlor where she got me to tell her many things concerning Mexico in which she was much interested. Presently Julia came in and she showed me her flower picture she is painting which I thought very excellent in color. Ettie and Mamie Livingston came and after a little I came home. John and Annies brother have driven up to Clermont to return tomorrow.

Monday 8" Tom cut the last of the hay today in the orchard. It has been a pretty hot day. I went down town in the morning and in the afternoon painted on my study in the garden. Mary, Agnes Sara and Girards wife took a ride. I called down at John McEntees in the evening. Ben Foster is still there.

Tuesday 9". Noticing in Sundays Tribune the arrival of W. R. Houghtaling at the Grand Hotel and remembering he once wanted to buy our place, I wrote him a note briefly telling him it was for sale and that if he still was interested in it I would be pleased to communicate further with him, and enclosed it in a note to Joe Cornell telling him what it was about and asking him, if he were the Houghtaling we associated with Hiram Romeyne, to hand it to him. I thought this not improper and a legitimate means of advertising - I went down town. It was very warm. When I came back Tom was at work at the drain and we have been at it all day and of course "magnum pars fui", but we have it all clear and will finish it tomorrow. The men, who promised to come for the hay yesterday did not come until today, just as a thunder storm was coming up. It rained very hard and I dont know what became of them. I feel very tired and lame tonight but it is cool and comfortable after the Shower.

Wednesday 10". Rain early this morning and hazy and threatening all day. Down town as usual. Sawed a door in the large back door of the barn which has been difficult to open and have worked at a gate from the garden to the barn yard. Have knocked the skin from my knuckles and am lame and sore. Tom has covered up the drain and that source of trouble is I hope out of the list for some time. John McEntee came up with Annie Lees brother Daniel and spent the evening.

Transcription Notes:
Difficulty with names: Neir? It's Weir. Ettie? yes Mamie? yes Lis-----ton? Livingston McE---ie? McEntee ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 17:56:52 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-23 17:18:34