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Thursday July 11" 1889. Hard showers and sunshine at intervals Down town and afterwards pottering about doing various tinkering Called down at Col. Johns and saw Mr. Daniel Lee who has been at West Point today. He and John are thinking of going to the overlook tomorrow, only that there is no counting upon the weather. The thunder is rumbling ominously in the north while the full moon is shining in the south. Picked the first green corn today, the early Marblehead. They have had it in Rondout a week.
[[left margin]] First corn [[/left margin]]

Friday 12". Down town as usual. A fine day and beautiful moon light night. Worked in my studio a good part of the day. After tea Sara and I went up to Kingston taking the car at City hall and called on the Searings. Mrs S' sister Miss P[[?]] and her mother were there. John Forsyth and his wife called while we were there. We also called on the Clarks and walked home. Mary and Agnes left for N.Y by the day boat.

Saturday 13" When I went down town this morning I took down to LeGrand Abbey the obituary notice of his father which I wrote for the Leader which was published in the paper of July 11". I went over to the Cemetery in the forenoon. Our lot did not look as unkept as I feared it would. The ground is poor and nothing grows well. I trained the morning glories I set out on Maurice's grave, over a branch and tied up the Phloxes in dear Gertrudes and my mothers graves and I took the measure of the head stone at Mr. P[[?]]eys grave, which is a very neat and Simple one, with the view of seeing what one like it would cost for Nannies grave as Mary and Sara propose ordering one. Then I walked out to the view and saw the remains of the Portland Cement mill which burned a short time ago. I found walking somewhat difficult as I am very stiff and lame in my right leg as well as the left. I sent Tom down for 250 celery plants I paid for down town and he set them out this afternoon. We had a shower in the edge of the evening which was good for them but bad for the last of the hay which they promised to come after but as usual they paid no attention to their promise.
[[left margin]] Set out 250 celery plants. [[/left margin]]

Sunday 14" Again the anniversary of my birth day comes around. I can hardly realize that a year has flown since the last one. The summer is half spent and life seems to go on with me as usual - with many misgivings as to the future but, (it sometimes seems to me) a better acceptance of what each day brings. We keep looking forward to and hoping for the sale of this dear old home, the dearest place on earth to both of us, with no cause perhaps for such expectations. As far as my surroundings and comforts go I never expect to be so pleasantly situated again but I would like to be free of the world, out of debt and settled in my own smaller house. I am very lame and stiff, whether from some temporary ailment or not I do not know. I only know I am more easily fatigued than I used to and less able to contend with anxieties and responsibilities. This has been a beautiful day, pretty warm but peaceful and serene. Miss Sheffield called. We had invited her and Cantine here to tea, as she is going to Kennebunkport on Tuesday but Cantines brother is coming and they were obliged to decline. I have written no letters today. I used to have so many friends to write to that I was never at a loss for some one to sit down with on Sundays, but today I can think of no one I care to write to whom I am owing a letter. Julia Dillon and Gertrude Tremper called. Julia wants Sara to go to High Falls tomorrow.

Monday 15" It was raining hard this morning and the wind was N.E. and it rained until near noon when it let up and I went down town. Sara went to High Falls by the afternoon train Johns man coming to take her to the station. I am left here alone for two days at least. Annie Lee is there. Annie Norton is going to [[strikethrough]] High [[/strikethrough]] N.Y. and wants Sara there to entertain Annie Lee. 
The weather changed in the afternoon and there were fine skies. I got my box and went down to the carriage house and make a sketch of a sky. I am happy when I am doing such work and hope I can do more. Working from

Transcription Notes:
A few words still not deciphered. Need help especially with names. 2 [[?]]s